

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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iv had some pink streeks in the side part of my hair and i thought id dye it back to brown and the brown die i put in before has faded so i have brownish/blonde hair and a massive uneven patch of dark brown!

I wont be doing that again! :cry:
Aww hunnie :hug: The biggest mistake i ever did with my hair was bleaching it blonde god i looked like a skunk when it grew out :shock:
I tried to go from blonde to brown once and ended up purple :rotfl:

Youre supposed to put a red on inbetween apparantly!
i remember deciding that i was going to have half blonde and underneith red, but bear in mind i always have my hair dyed red so me being stupid put the bleach onto my hair and it went orange!! so i bleahced it again and it still was orange and patchy yellow so i just shoved a red on all over and it was pillar box red on top lol looked pretty cool but my hair was sooooooooo dry lol
i take it you used directions? i used to use flamingo :rotfl: and the blue and the purple in fact i had a new hair colour every few weeks my mum kept telling me i'd go bald!!
i used pillar bix red once when i dyed my hair black and red but i'm too pale for that i looked too much like a goth.

Oh that sucks :(

i wont dye mine no more i would always try and do it red and would always turn purple.

I died my hair black once, but where i had old highlights the black turned into blue/purple streaks, looked pretty cool actually :D
i have dark brown with pink streaks, but i had the streaks done a few weeks ago and the dye is still coming out now. :(
I used to have pink hair myself - but the bleach under the pink turned my hair into this awful straw like substance, so I had to go to the hairdressers eventually to get it sorted out.
They chopped my lovely long hair to chin length and used henna on it, and it turned really really dark brown.

I'm back to normal now though - light brown/dark blone. And it's grown back to it's previous length.

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