Sh*t im bleeding!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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So sorry for posting again but Davids away for the day in the middle of nowhere shooting and Ive just been to loo and theres blood! Pink blood and a tiny bit of darker stuff too....I know this can be normal in early preg but hell I dont even know for def if I am or not....god this is crap.....

Im scared what happened last month is happening again and I dont know what to do.....god I feel awful and in tears here!!

What can I do?? xx
Wilma, hang in there, we're all here for you.
I know it's hard to stay calm at times but really really important at the mo, if you can try.
Big hugs to you xxx
Thanks Bead....def got crampy stomach like when AF comes....god I cant believe this is happening again! Nothing I can do tho is there I will just have to see what my stupid body does this time!! xxx
It could still be a good sign, don't give up hope yet. Even while there's a tiny glimmer, channel all the positive thinking that you can xxx
Thanks Bead Im trying hard to not panic....and hope its nothing bad.....the more I look at the two CB plus tests the more I was believing it....theres def lines when you look at them here ..... please let this be ok xxx
:( Hope you're ok hun :hug:

It's just a waiting game to see whether full AF develops, what I would say is (and I'm sorry I never saw your other thread) is that CB are abit renound for false positives :( The lines are thin. If nothing more develops with the bleeding I'd change brands. I always got good lines with First response even when I'd got really feint ones with IC's.

If the bleeding is more pinky, it could be implantation so don't give up hope hun :hug:

We're here for you anyway :hug:
:hug: It could definitely be implantation but there's no way to know for sure yet. As Mamafy said, false positives are more common on CB dye tests than others, but having seen your lines on the strip tests too I'd say that's unlikely as long as they appeared within the time limit. Hope you're ok :hug:
Oh dear. Would be flipping bank holiday too wher you can't get to docs till Tuesday. Stay calm an strong. Your not out yet! Big big hugs
Thanks Sm and Mamfy.....yeah the test strips were within the time limit.... Ive had a type of irritation on my left side the last few days and its still there now....god I hope its IB still.....I thought mayne thats waht I had the other day when got pink streak one day and brown dischrge the next.....ah this is the worst feeling ever....

I will get david to grab a FR on way hom unless bleeding gets heavier....

Is it worth ringing our local Mat unit to see if they might tell me to go along and get blood test done or just wait? I wish it was tues and could get my nurse to do one....!!

Thanks ladies and sorry for being sooo neurotic.....xxxx
Thanks Toni.....I know I was going to ring my mat unit and see what they said....dont want to sound stupd tho as its very early if I am preg.....god dangggg CB tests!!!
i cant answer as to why your bleeding but im sending you all the best wishes for a positive outcome xxxxxx
Thanks SL.....I hope its going to be ok too....its so hard not knowing....I sometimes think I know too much in these early days....xxxx
I have everything crossed for you, hope the bleeding settles down asap and no AF arrives

:hug:Big hugs :hug: Jen X
Thanks JJ....god so do I!

Ive just spoke to a midwife at our early care preg unit....she said IF I am preg then because I would only be 4.4wks that if I am losing it that there is nothing they could do to stop it this early on. She said they wont scan me before 6 weeks but that if I def am then I need to tell my GP and they can arrange for me to have first scan at 6 weeks!

I explained I have irritation/pain/something going on on left side to the left of bikini line and that it feels like theres something inside almost like it feels when your pregnant and further on and can actually feel the baby sort of thing.... She also said if pain gets worse, bellding gets really heavy or I get shoulder pain to get to A&E as it could be an Eptopic!

So I suppose I will have to ride it out and stay positive that its maybe IB....and that everything will be ok.....

David just rang too so had few tears on phone to him....nothing he can do wither but was reassuring to hear him.....hes heading home but will take hium couple hours to get here....arrrggghhhh this is so scary....Im needing the loo again but scared to go incase theres more blood!

Thanks again JJ and everyone...I feel such an idiot again......xxxx
:hug:You are not an idiot at all! , these are real things you are going through, and we would want to see you through them together - remmeber you always have us lot to talk to about it, or you would definately go mad.

At least you have the official advice now, it doesn't help much but you know what the docs would say then.

Hang in there, good that David is coming home for you X
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are you in a lot of pain ??caus when i lost it hurt like hell so you will just know, with loads of fresh red blood and clots..... i dont understand how the first tests you put on could have been pos if your not???? caus we allll saw the lines on them!! have you had anymore bleeding? hope your ok xxx
Hey hon, Been out and just logged back on and saw this - u ok? How u doing? xxx
Looking at your other tests hun I do see lines, it could be that you're in very early stages and the CBD just hasn't enough hcg :pray:

How is the spotting now?
:hug: so sorry you are going through this. As the others have said it could be implantation and women get bleeding in early pregnancy quite often but go on to have a healthy baby :hug:
Really hope this bleeding stops and you are pregnant. Fingers all crossed for you :)
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