sexing scans: how accurate?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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those of u who've had ur 20-week scans, how certain were u told what ur having?

my b/f said 2 me the other day we should think of boys names jst in case and i asked why; he said one of his friends was told for sure theirs is a girl, but has since been for another scan and has now been told boy!

we were told "most likely" a little girl, but some ppl i'v spoken to hav been told things like "almost certainly" and "95%" one way or another.

those of u in tri 3 or already hav children, are there any more scans after the anomaly/sexing 20-week one? maybe can ask again b4 i buy pink stuff!
Any chance you could go for a private scan and make sure? I'm only saying as a friend of a friend of mine was told she was having a girl and they were 75% sure on that. She went out pink shopping, decorated the nursery and ended up giving birth to a son asking "are you sure" when the midwife annouced "it's a boy". Might be worth investing a few pounds into a private gender scan to be 100% certain? I'm having mine next week will let you know the outcome, i.e. how accurate etc they seem to think theirs is. :hug:
I have read various reports - anything from 70 - 90% accurate seems the norm.

I know of 2 people (outside of this forum) who were told one sex and it turned out to be the other.
Hiya :wave:

We got told at our anomoly scan that they could only be 96% certain that we are having a obviously the boy bits could be hidden, whereas if you are told boy they can usually see the boy bits loud & clear :wink:

In our area we are given no further scans after 20 weeks, unless a growth scan is required - in which case they are there to check growth so probably wouldn't be forthcoming on predicting the sex.

We went for a private scan at the start of January, and they checked for us, and 100% girl :cheer: so our sonographer was right.
my hospital didn't start tellin the sex til a week after my 20week scan :x
but we went to baby bond and got told she was 98% sure keeley was a girl :)
well when i got scanned the woman who scanned me... found out it was a girl straight away... she did not have to look long a tall.... she said i'm 98% i'm right... and i knew i was having a girl before hand
I was told 'Looks like a little girl' at my NHS scan, which I wasn't to sure about!

But at the babybond scan she said 'Its a girl!' and then proceded to clearly show us her girl bits on the scan, which even I could make out. :D
We had a Babybond scan before our 20 week one and she froze the screen on the babys bits and asked us what we thought it was. It was so obvious it was a boy! :cheer:

At our 20 week scan at the hospital I told them we already knew the sex but half way through the scan she stopped briefly and said 'Yep its definitely a boy, he's certainly not shy' :rotfl:

With Kiara the guy said looks like a girl , and she was !!
They said if they arent sure they dont say
When we had our 20 week scan he had his legs over the top of his bits but you caould distinctively see from the bottom two distinctive balls, then they were shown off in all there glory at the 4D scan...Think it depends how your baby is lying and also think if you are told boy thats is more liekly to be accurate than a girl.

Was told at a hosp in scotland they have stopped telling people as they were been sued for getting it wrong :shock:
We were told "think" it's a boy, but OH said he clearly saw his bits during the 20wk scan, before sonographer even pointed them out, I couldn't see them when she showed me them, I'm rubbish with the scan images :oops:

Though I do know a friend was told boy and it was a girl, so it can be wrong both ways :rotfl: I think the 4D scan is the way to go if you really need to know before delivery day :hug:
My mum was told it was a boy and had my sister so were having a 4D scan done later on in pregnancy also. Were going on the 21st for a gender scan but we'll have that confirmed at the 20 week and at the 4D scan, mind you come Wednesday I'll have bought a heap of pink or blue anyway!! :rotfl:
We were told we were having a girl and the sonographer said that she saw quite clearly. We both feel very strongly that we are having a girl - but keep reminding ourselves that we might have a surprise at the birth!

We've found that staying open to either possibility does make it a wee bit difficult buying clothes and things, since so very many things are pink or blue (how annoying is that!!!?) but we have managed to find a few things in yellow, orange or greeny colours, and white is always nice!
At our sexing scan it was very clear that he is a boy as we saw all his boy bits.

However, I know of several stories of people who were told they were having one sex only to give birth to another. I think it is harder to be sure that you are having a girl than vice versa since boy bits can be hidden away but then again the umbilicial cord at a certain angle could also be mistaken for a boy bit.

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