

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
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I didnt know whether to make a new post or stick this in the 37 week + bit but it's probably better to get everyones view.

Is anyone still managing to have sex? Especially those past 37 weeks? Or are you interested in it? Question applies to single girls too!

It's been a while, not outta choice as such, but i've found that now i have no interest what so ever in sex, in fact i dont like the idea of it, i dunno if its cos it's been so long anyway, cos i feel huge, or just goes with the territory! Last time i "did the dead" i wasnt toooo big, and Tally has never kicked during it, i realised tonight i dont like the idea of her head being so low in my pelvis and the fact she'd probably boot me one if i try! I used to get the feeling she didnt like it as i'd find she'd wriggle up as high as possible during sex and stay there after, as if she wanted to escape all knowledge of it (plus i imagine her being bounced up and down and feeling sea sick, i've totally over thought this lol)
I'm not past 37 weeks yet but have been off sex for a while now, even though OH hasn't given up on trying
Its not that i don't want to because i would love to its just the fact that no matter what i just can't seem to get in the mood, its the fact that i just don't feel sexy or if we do manage to do the deed after i feel like i have to feel baby move or i can't sleep...... so that sometimes leads to us reaching for the doppler when we should be having snuggles.
I'd like to know who said that pregnant women are more horny......does not apply to me.
I think we've had sex about 2 times in the last 3/4 months, and i feel terrible about it all the time, its not like i wouldnt like to either, just cant seem to get in the mood.
My poor husband is so good about it, but i guess i just dont feel sexy in any way!
i'm not past 37 weeks yet, but i have found myself recently going the other way. for most of the pregnancy i have not been interested in sex at all, the last couple of weeks i have been raping my DH a couple of times a week (this is more thatn we were TTC).

Can sex be a substitute for perennial massage or does that depend on the size of your partner :oops: why did i type that???

im not past 37 weeks but i havent been in the mood at all!! although i find having an argument puts me in the mood!! :wink:
I have been, I found I lost my sex drive at the beginning of my pregnancy so now I've got it back we're making the most of it, lol! Because of my size now we have to be a bit careful with position and it does feel a bit strange if she moves during but other than that I haven't noticed too much change.
My DH is worrried about harming and baby and I feel too huge anyway. We didn't do it for nearly 4 weeks but I seduced him last week and it was just difficult (DH kneeled on the floor and I was on the edge of the bed position) and my tummy just got in the way, so think I'm going to give up. :wall:
My DH is worrried about harming the baby and I feel too huge anyway. We didn't do it for nearly 4 weeks but I seduced him last week and it was just difficult (DH kneeled on the floor and I was on the edge of the bed position) and my tummy just got in the way, so think I'm going to give up. :wall:
We did it for the first time in months last weekend.
It was more for OH but I ended up enjoying it more than him!! :oops:
SEX?!?!?! Whats that :lol:

I haven't done the deed for a few weeks, it's just uncomfortable and difficult with a big bump in the way plus I have no real interest. I think I might have to take it up again when the baby eviction notice has been served :puke:

Alex xxx
I haven't done it either for a couple of weeks. I just can't seem to get in the mood ... also Oscar kicks which I find odd and distracting and just not nice really. OH hasn't tried to jump me for the last couple of weeks either, possibly because he can see my stomach lurch during kicking now and possibly because I am so big. Hmm.. I will have to ask him why later.
it took a while to figure out how to do it and enjoy things fully without bump getting in the way and also getting over the fear of hurting him somehow during sex took a while to get over as i used to be so scared especially in the early days as i had a few pinky discharges. as i've gotten biggger though and able to feel him move i have just lay there for ages after until he moved around for reassurance that he is ok so now i can enjoy it just as much as i did before bump and bump doesn't seem to mind it. can't help but wonder if they know whats going on though :lol:

and as i'm not even going to try that massage thing down there i like to think that sex is somehow a good substitute for it. it probably isn't but it has to be better than doing nothing at all down there.
what is sex?? weve tried a few times but its just too uncomfortable for me :(

we have been doing other things though! lol
Again- what is sex?! We haven't done the deed for months and months! I completely lost any sort of sex drive and I spoke to my dh about it a couple of months ago and he said that he feels like there is a 3rd person in the room and doesn't want to do anything! I guess its a good thing cos it means we're compatible but I just hope I don't start getting horny cos they'll be arguments!
Put it this way, I haven't had sex since Aimee was conceived! :lol: My poor OH! :lol:

I've got a low sex drive to begin with and it isn't uncommon for me to go right off it for weeks at a time but this has been the longest. However, I am starting to feel a tad randy recently, shame I can't open my legs because of the SPD! :rotfl:
My sex drive comes and goes to be honest. I find some positions uncomfortable but we just move about a bit :lol:
I want sex alot right now apparently I have quite a high sex drive normally anyway but at the moment foreplay is so good but the actual sex itself can be so difficult I feel like I can't be arsed but as the foreplay is so good I find I generally find the energy from somewhere :rotfl:
It already feels like bump gets in the way so much all my fav positions are no go right now or we have to keep changing positions all the time cause get uncomfortable so quick but we're trying to make the most of having to find new positions and being able to have uninterupted sex for a few months more!

Last night DH was clearly in the mood we hadn't had sex since friday cause I done something to my back sat, which for us is quite along time I was so tired and half asleep last night so just couldnt be arsed he had his hand on my bump trying to feel baby move was hoping I could just go to sleep but then he managed to wake baby up and she was going nuts, after that there was no way Id be getting any sleep cause she was on one so had to have sex to make her go to sleep! :rotfl: (she always goes quiet durring and after sex think the movement rocks her to sleep) After was glad I had cause was so good but baby was asleep DH went to sleep and I lay there awake for hours! :roll:
Penstraze said:
After was glad I had cause was so good but baby was asleep DH went to sleep and I lay there awake for hours! :roll:

:rotfl: :roll: That is how it goes!
looks like im one of the only people doing it more then :shock:

then again im just week 31 so we shall see what i'm saying about it come week 37!
I'm glad i'm not alone! I'd kinda got it back after first tri but now i couldnt care less!

I did notice last time that my bump was starting to get in the way too :roll: agh well, i'll just have to wait until after she's here.

Daves already waited 9 months, im sure a couple more wont do him any harm!

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