

Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2009
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Has it changed for u?

I'm still the same (I think) and vie noticed I'm a bit more horny than usual now that the morning sickness has eased up, but OH said to me last night that he found it weird now that we r seeing and feeling our lil miss kick.

Has anyone else's OH admitted this? It hasn't stopped him lol, but he says he's finding it a bit strange. X
I don't fancy it at all :| but maybe when I hit 20 weeks that may change! lol
Well at the minute we're the same. But i remember when I was pregnant with my 1st my ex would barely touch me as he thought it was weird and also incase he hurt the baby!!! Like dear god. Although my OH now has a great high drive like mine so he better not change haha xxx
I didn't fancy it in the first 13-ish weeks of the pregnancy, probably due to the constant sickness, but now i fancy it alot more! Hubby doesn't seem to want it as much as usual but he says that's cos he feels like he might hurt LO. When we do do it we are alot more gentle now. xxx
We still have it but a bit less, I didn't in the first 3 months though. OH says he isn't freaked out we have just changed positions!
Tri 2 has made me quite horney too, I'm sure I only go to the gym to perv! My hubby away a lot with work but he's a bit funny about it too, he's really paranoid about hurting me or baby and finds it a bit wierd too. Def don't get as much as I used to!
Least I'm not the only one lol.

I was ok until the sickness kicked in, but it's passed for now and I just wanna hump ALL the time! He's still up for it, just not as much cos he's worried lil miss kicks him while humping lol.

Men, they are funny lol x
I was dead against sex til about 2weeks ago.. OH mademe feel bad about it but id rather have sex with him when i want to not 'force' myself too.. id rather not have sex than him force himself too!!

The baby thing really doesnt bother him, ive reassured him theres no way he could hurt the baby.. he says he finds me more sexy with my curves and bump.. the womanly look lol i dunno why i just see myself as fat now lol
I'm so glad I'm not the only one!!

We deffo don't do it as much as we used to before I was pregnant, and when we do I almost feel slightly awkward because I feel like I'm making OH do it LOL!

He feels a little strange about it, which then makes me feel a little weird so it kinda ruins the moment slightly. I'm not sure if I'm the only one too but OH said sometimes it feels slightly different (TMI?) He can't quite explain what he means, but he said not in a bad way.. I hope it all comes back after LO is here :)

Soooo glad it's not just me worrying about this! I'm 26+2 and OH and I are still having sex every day, maybe 6 days a week if we're having an off day, but we are trying to make the effort to carry on as normal as possible, now I haven't been feeling constantly sick for quite a while I can actually enjoy it!

He has said to me that he finds it a bit weird, but not that much. When he says that it kind of puts me off though, especially if he mentions half way through that he doesn't want to squash my bump!

So we've been trying to find positions where my stomach isn't an issue. It's hard though with limited movement capabilities. My stomach feels huge, so it's really hard to try and forget about it!

I'm lucky that OH has always tried to make me feel attractive throughout my pregnancy, even when I'm crying about how hideous I am. So with him trying to build me up, it motivates me more to want to be close to him...

Aww your all lovely ladies!

I know how u feel tho, he says I'm "fit" haha and I just feel like a heffalump, he only mentioned that it's a bit weird the other day now that he has felt her kick.
I'm not reay wanting him to look at my floof hen in labour as I don't want him put off by my floof being in that "condition". I hink it would mentally scar him for life lol.

What positions have u found to be the best? We are still managing him on top for now without too much squishing, but I find on all fours a bit painful, due to me being bent over it feels like too much weight is being put onto my bump if that makes sense? I think/ hope it will change as I get bigger and can rest mu bump on the mattress lol ( sorry tmi)

What else works? X
We haven't done it since our bfp firstly because of the problems we have had with miscarriages etc and 2ndly my pelvis is too painful, plus I am not a sexual person anyway so libido has gone from low to what is a libiodo! Lol
Aww your all lovely ladies!

I know how u feel tho, he says I'm "fit" haha and I just feel like a heffalump, he only mentioned that it's a bit weird the other day now that he has felt her kick.
I'm not reay wanting him to look at my floof hen in labour as I don't want him put off by my floof being in that "condition". I hink it would mentally scar him for life lol.

What positions have u found to be the best? We are still managing him on top for now without too much squishing, but I find on all fours a bit painful, due to me being bent over it feels like too much weight is being put onto my bump if that makes sense? I think/ hope it will change as I get bigger and can rest mu bump on the mattress lol ( sorry tmi)

What else works? X

'Floof' :rofl:

Try putting a pillow between bump and matress :)
Yeah the pillow under the bump is really helpful, now i'm finding my bump is big enough to support itself, so if I'm on my front I put my head on a pillow so all my weight is there really, with my body slanted so my bum is up in the air, if that makes sense! I find that really comfy...

Other positions are if I'm on top then I'm really comfortable, but then I get a bit self conscious because OH is then looking straight up at my tummy! I worry he can't see anything else!!!

Spooning is probably the most comfortable, both laying on your sides, I like that because then OH can lay really close to me, and because he's behind, bump isn't an issue!!

Also, I'm totally with you on the not looking down there during labour! I've given him a stern instruction that he is to stay at my head end throughout, otherwise I'm worried he'll be traumatised!!!


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