
I love my bump and im much more up for a bit of action than I was last time round. I wear tight tops so my bump shows, its maybe because when im pg im much more comfortable with my shape, its as if its acceptable to be rounder. When im not pg im a bit round shall we say.

When me and dh have a cuddle my bump gets in the way, i kinda have to stand to the side a wee bit.
hevwithbump said:
jmc what do you think of stretch marks thought i would ask from a blokes point of view if you dont mind me asking :)

Well this is easy ! It falls into the catorgory of 'looks' or 'pysical appearence'

When i was 15-18 i was really shallow, I only really bothered with the 'fit' girls, I never used to use them, but i mean as far as relationships went if i didnt fancy them then i wouldnt show any interested

But when i met the girl im with now, i fancied her like crazy... but after a few months that disapeared sort of, i mean i still think she's gorgous and really pretty, but i love her for who she is...

So when she wakes up with messed up hair, no make up on, sleep in her eye and all that stuff, i seriously dont care !! Thats just all the more reason to cuddle into her, because I know she would feel silly infront of anyone else, apart from me !

So now that she's pregnant, if she starts putting on any wieght, or looking ill etc i seriously dont care, it doesnt matter, i love her for her, aslong as her gorgous dark brown sparkyl eyes dont change then neither will my feelings for her

And as for stretchmarks, omg so what !! I'm just really proud of her for going through with all this pregnancy stuff so things like pysical appearence is the last thing on my mind !!

Dont worry about it, I'm sure your feller is the same :)
jenna, dear unless any man is seriously hung like a swollen donkey then at no time is there a baby on the end of a penis! lol Only when a man's ego is that big can they think they will hurt the baby. The baby is well protected in there.

As for me, think I subconsciously knew its 350 calories your average bonk so believe me, I bonked! God knows where I got the energy from, might explain every other minute why I was sleeping!

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