Sex during pregnancy


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2007
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Hi, :oops:

Is a bit of an embarrassing question but I was wondering if anyone has any info. on how safe it is to have sex in the first weeks of pregnancy.

I must admit, I have never bothered about it before but am extremely nervous about this pregnancy having previously m/c.
Sex in Pregnancy: What Is Safe?
Posted Tue, Feb 28, 2006, 7:27 pm PST

Although some couples abstain throughout pregnancy, most have sex at some time, and many couples go on through pregnancy with wild abandon. This is only between the two of you—what is right is what works for you as a couple. The only guidelines have to do with safety and comfort.

The guidelines:

All sexual activities that don’t hurt you are considered safe, with the exception of blowing air into the vagina, which can allow the air to get into your bloodstream—a potentially fatal situation.

Beyond about 18 weeks, the woman shouldn’t lie flat on her back for long periods of time, as the weight of the uterus can interfere with circulation and the flow of blood to the baby. However, if you just put a pillow under your right hip and tip yourself to the left, your circulation should be fine.

Late in pregnancy your tummy may get in the way, and you will need to choose positions that feel comfortable. Try side-lying or “doggy style” with the man behind, or any position in which the woman is on top.
Generally if you are having any bleeding or are at risk for delivering prematurely, you may be advised to abstain from intercourse and/or from orgasm. If you are having any complications of pregnancy, be sure to check with your doctor or midwife to see which aspects of sex are OK.

Source: ... t-is-safe/

Personally, I we arent gona have sex but only after the first tri!
My poor DH didn't get it much in 1st tri due to me suffering from m/s in the evening and going to bed really early but i am hoping that during 2nd tri when i start to feel a bit better things will improve.

Feel so sorry for my DH!
I just daren't. Too scared something will happen. :?

I think my DH wanted it last night, but I was tired and just fell asleep and didn't play along, think he got the message. :bored:

We have only done it once at about 8 weeks :oops: feel too tired most of the time :(
We are down to once a week I think at the minute :( have m/s in the evenings and I'm so knackered that I'm asleep by 8.30 most nights lol!

Hoping 2nd tri is better because its driving me mad! :pray:
We have sex as much as before (2-4 times a week). I think this is because I want things to stay as 'normal' as possible. Plus, with DS, I was single from 3 months, so the specialness of sex when I am pg, is still a novelty for me lol
midna said:
I was going at it good all the way throu ...even now looooooool ...I cant leave him alone think Ive worn him out. :D
:rotfl: I'm exactly the same. Sometimes I think I'm even more horny than my OH cos he sometimes looks scared when we've had a good session and an hour later I want more! :rotfl: :rotfl:
Hi Everyone,

Thanks for all your replies. I think I'll wait until I'm 7 weeks and then take the plunge. We did through my other pregnancies and it was absolutely fine (it did bring on a few contractions from about 38 weeks in preg no. 2 though; when I was very late with my first the m/w advised it for inducing labour although it never worked!!)

I'm just much more nervous this time around!

Thanks again :)
my OH is like a dog on heat :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Currently got thrush and a urine infection, but also a little scared after finding out im rhesus neg.

i think he understands, but it is difficult, because i know he wants some :rotfl:

P.S. i don't really feel like it atm :(
my sex drive is non existent, and due to bad skin and bloating i feel very unattractive!!!
Yep, I have no sex drive either role on 2nd Trimester!
It's safe to have sex in pregnancy but it's recommended that you don't have sex in the first tri if you have experienced any bleeding/spotting.

It's understandable that you are more cautious this pregnancy.
We've had sex once and had to stop because of the pain. :oops: The doctor advised me not to have sex until the 2nd trimester just to be sure everything was settled, but I'd been getting severe cramps anyway.
Something to do with the contractions and the semen containing prostaglandin or something like that which can cause cramps...sounds complicated and I'm probably one of the few as its different with everyone but certainly don't go at it hard and heavy early on ! :wink:

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