Sex Drive

Duds can you think of what used to get you in the mood? i know brad bit in Troy does it for me! i think now i tend to need to concentrate more on getting in the mood and once i am in the moment my mind wont stray then.

maybe a trip to ann summers together (minus Aimmee!) to buy some undies and anything else that takes your fancy! i know i went and got some sexy undies as i needed to feel like em, the woman rather than em, the mummy (does that make any sense? :roll: ) and it helped me loads!

hang in there, maybe start by trying to get some kissing and cuddling back before you move on to sex.

K X said:
I always find alcohol helps

Funny you should say that - large quantities of alcohol were involved both times!! :lol:
:rotfl: :rotfl: Kim your funny!

Im not a touchy feely person at all & the only time I ever show emotion is on the odd cuddle or a bit of rumpy. This makes it harder really as without that there is no contact..
Thinking about joining the nunnery, anyone care to join me?! lol
Yeah count me in Duds :lol:

That pic on your avatar is absolutely gorgeous!!
Sister Beanie reporting for duty

*the hills are alive with the sound of muuuuuuuu-sic*
:lol: ohhh Beanie you should be on "there's something about Maria" ! lol (bbc 1 on sat)

Thanks Kim, I had some prof pics taken - will try and post a few later (im @ work at the mo & sneaked on for few mins!) shhh :shhh:

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