Bedtimes for a 4 month old

AnnaR2B said:
Which formula did you try hun? We use aptimil, I find it really good :hug:

I tried SMA gold - I think I will buy several small cartons of readymade stuff to try her with different types to try and get her used to it. I will definately try aptimil. :hug:
I second Aptamil. Its supposed to be the most like breast milk
Evie falls asleep now at around 7pm and stays asleep til around 7am! :cheer:

I just followed her lead TBH although I make sure she has her blankie and rabbit to snuggle with :) - it's worked for us :D
Well the last 2 nights Emms has had a feed at 7pm and then had a sleep until 8.30 - 9pm which has been really nice. She is really cranky if she doesnt have an evening sleep and we have no crying if she does this :dance: When she is awake all evening it still doesnt make a difference to the final time she goes to sleep!

I have tried the bringing everything forward quite a few times to no avail! Last night I started at 10pm and it was still 11 when she finally went to sleep! I think I'll just have to wait until she slots into her own routine of falling asleep earlier, or she's old enough to do controlled crying.

I have tried her with a bit of formula now and the winner so far is Cow and Gate - she managed 1 1/2 ounces over an hour!! I'm hoping she'll take a full bottle eventually and this might settle her to sleep earlier in the evening too.

Thanks for the advice everyone :hug:
Evie's bedtime is about 7pm- she decided that herself though! I used to out her down about half ten but she'd sleep late in the morning whereas I am an early bird which makes it better for us that she slipped into a 7pm-7am routine :D

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