Sex Drive


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2005
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Does it ever come back after having a baby??!!!! Im still waiting!

I dont think im sexually attracted to my DH anymore... infact I dont think I am to anyone :( all I want to do in the evening is :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
i tend to find that its not something i think about till it happens. i dont 'fancy it' cos i just dont think about it. but once i am in the moment as one might say! then its fine (well a lot better than fine actually :oops: ).

once the pain was gone ( i guess after a month or two since we began again) then i started to relax and i swear its better now than it was before. it could just be that i am loving the fact that it feels ok again, i dunno? i guess dh would prefer i said its all done to his skills :lol:

its a catch 22, if its not comfy then you dont wanna do it, but the only way its gonna get comfy again is to keep trying :?

saty with it hun. i'm sure it will get better (oh and please dont think from this i have major sex drive - i dont! like you 99%of the time i just sleep in front of the telly!!!)

I am like that i just wanna sleep when i go to bed
lets just say once i am in bed sometimes i change my mind :oops:
I don't think i have made the first move since i had Jack

I am exactly like you Em
Even though me and DF wanted to TTC, the thought or regular sex was scaring me as my cervix was stil so sore after having Damien. But my sex drive and the soreness has gone since we have been having regular cuddles. Try going to bed a little earlier one night, just hugging and kissing and see what happens. Relax hunnie, it won't happen if you are tense and it'll be rubbish. Good luck babes xxx
kris thinks im a secret nun lol. i just dont want sex. i dont feel sexy i feel like a bif fat mum and thats the best it gets. cosy night in big pjs watchin tv then sleep is great kris moans when i put on my big strippy teddy pjs but i find lil frilly hotpants so uncomfy nowa days :roll:
My Oh is always commenting on my pj's too, can't seem to understand i wanna be comfy and sleep!!! not put on some silly little nighty thing

Hmm i have mine back, but Bernies the one always so tired maybe its our 9 year age gap lol, im making the first move most of the time, unless its the weekend and Bernie dont have to work :rotfl:
Hope it comes back for you soon hun
I havent made the first move since having Charlie.....I feel very bad about that. Just married too, poor OH!
Ohh sex drive, mines thru the roof :shock: am i the only one??? lol

I did it concluded in Rubie. Never done it since :oops:
I have no sex drive whatsoever, my poor hubby :( We tried to a few days for the first time since Jamie was born but (sorry if tmi) as soon as he started to enter I yelped in pain & that was the end of that. I was lube'd up so don't know why it hurts so much. Its really put me off trying again.
I think Jamie is going to be an only child :cry:
problem is you tense up cos you are worried its going to hurt, then cos you are tense it does hurt and so you think -i'm not doing that again! :(

just keep trying and dont lose the intamacy. just cos you are not having sex doesnt mean you cant have fun :lol: if you dont keep some contact then you'll end up with an even bigger gap to bridge. it will get better its just time and patience i think.

I'm sure it will but like you said Em I know I tense up, I try to relax but its not easy. Luckily Dave is fine with it & doesn't want to hurt me.

If I would leave Jamie for the night (I know I can't just yet, would miss him too much) it would be nice to go to a really nice manor house or something for the night & get tiddly :lol: then it might be easier (one can dream!!)
yeah i was gonna suggest that!

when we wanted a night in on our own when alex was still wee, we dropped him at phils mums then came home for dinner and Ahem! and then went back to get him!

by the way did you see in off topic about a meet in southampton?


Seems we are all pretty mixed with our sex drives... Kim so you havent had any rumpy since Rubie was born ??!

I dont think im ever going to get it back....
Nicki, I was the same as you, it was just too painful at first and it put me right off.. it doesnt hurt much anymore but is uncomftable for the first few mins.
We did the deed last night as I was trying to make an effort but once I got over the uncomftableness I just felt nothing & then kept thinking how I had a baby outta there & it put me right off!
I cant seem to free my mind!

Em - your right... you do have a bigger gap to bridge if you loose the closeness & I think that has happened with us.. :(
Duds said:
Kim so you havent had any rumpy since Rubie was born ??!

Ha ha ha (correction - concieved!!)

Actually when I wrote that it made me realise that something was wrong so I made an effort and have done it twice - woohoo :dance:
:rotfl: Kim ur funny!x

I always find alcohol helps, a wee glass of rose wine and I feel a bit more relaxed and the insertion etc isn't so painful!

But when I go to bed all I want to do is :sleep:

I only had sex twice throughout my pregnancy! :shock:

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