Settle a debate?


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Jul 18, 2015
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So myself and OH are 100% settled on what we want to name our baby if we have a little boy. Bowen William James (last name Franklin).

But we have two girls' names that we love, Erin and Luna, and we're arguing over which one we want to use first.

OH wants to use Luna first. I want to use Erin.

Erin for me. I chose it for dd , and dh vetoed it, but if I have a dd next time round I'm having it! Ha ha! I haven't convinced him yet, but I think when I'm lying in the operating theatre and say I really want Erin, how can he refuse?! Ha ha!
Erin for me. I chose it for dd , and dh vetoed it, but if I have a dd next time round I'm having it! Ha ha! I haven't convinced him yet, but I think when I'm lying in the operating theatre and say I really want Erin, how can he refuse?! Ha ha!

That's exactly my thought! I plan on just yelling "I'm the one pushing a human out, it's Erin!" during labour haha!

His compromise is that since Luna means moon, we choose Luna if we have a girl born at night. I'm still thinking about that. What did you choose for DD in the end?
Erin is one of my favourite girls names :) xxx
My dogs called Luna so i would choose Erin, lol! X
i looove Luna, i would use it for my baby, but it's my sister's name ;) erin is lovely too, but i'd prefer it in the middle name slot
As a Potter fan, I love Luna! However, I know of several cats with that name, so to me it's a bit 'out there' lol. So my vote is for Erin :)
A girl Simmone on here's little girl is name is Luna, shes the only one Ive heard of and tbh, Id rather go with something hardly anyone has. Being Scottish, Ive heard lots of Erin's. Plus to me it sounds a bit old.

Erin means Green Water
Luna means The moon. In Mythology Luna is one of the names of Artemis the moon goddess.

Id stick with Luna.


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