Serious bump expansion!

Rosie's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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Today I got up and noticed that my bump had expanded overnight. Today it has been heavy, tight and much bigger.

It is as hard as anything and almost feels like Im having tightenings every now and again. This has given me the willies a bit and wonder if I ought to be concerned about it? Any advice anyone? I cant remember this with Rosie :eh:

I am carrying really high up and have had to stop to get my breath almost, like I have to stand up very straight to get a full breath!

If it keeps on like this Im worried about how heavy and big its going to get - been thinking about a support band already. I havent put any weight on elsewhere, Im all bump - Someone at work today said I looked like I had a football up my jumper :shock:
I felt like that a few days ago, I just woke up feeling huge and it doesn't seem to be slowing down in a hurry! People keep asking if I'm sure there's only one....I don't know about tightenings, but I am getting some muscular pains, I'm assuming it's just because everything's shifting around so much, and I read this morning that the baby will be twice the size now than it was a month ago, which explains the quick expansion I guess!

My bump is also hard as a rock, but the hardness is higher up than where I think the baby is but again, I'm putting that down to everything being moved around.

I don't think I've put weight on anywhere else either, except my boobs which are growing exponentially much to OH's delight. He won't be so happy when he sees how much I've had to spend on new bras lol!
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have u got a pic to share???
no advice though sorry :flower:
I will have to post a pic, Im so tired tonight that I cannot bring myself to do anything but I will upload one tomorrow :lol:
Mine has suddenly BALLOONED too!! everyone has noticed, mine is also very very hard and each morning seems bigger.

i dont think you should worry but maybe speak to midwife about the breathing part? x
yes mine has shot out over the last week too! So funny that we are all so close together in our due dates. Not sure about the tightenings, could be your stomach muscles just giving way???
Im more convinced that they are Braxton Hicks now, they have been happening all day and the top of my bump goes markedly tight for a few minutes and then relaxes. Im going to ring my SIL who is a midwife and ask her advice or I might ring the unit Im booked in with tomorrow, see if they ease off. :)
oooh maybe your body is remembering your last pregnancy? I'd ring up for some reassurance xxx

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