My bump

I got huge with Rosie around the same time I think; then my ankles started swelling at around 18 weeks, the fluid just got worse from that point. Fingers crossed it doesnt happen again, I have put less weight on this time too. Im quite tall though ScaredMum, perhaps thats why I have a big bump.
Perhaps :lol: I have a large frame - should have made a great swimmer! Everyone is different :)
Thats precisely what happened to me, because this is my second I think I started to show earlier @_
I see where your coming from now :).
In someways im looking forward to seeing a bump one morning but it might not be what i expected straight away. I will be putting more pics up when my tummy has grown abit more. even brought a nighty today in size 8 because i was small size anyways hubby told me to get one in size 8 he said i will grow into it haha nutter x
Gorgeous bump hun :love: and your new avatar pic is gorgeous as well :cloud9:
yeah i am tiny which is why i never usually tell anyone my size or weight and im 20 years old and embarrised of my own body :( x lol
yeah i am tiny which is why i never usually tell anyone my size or weight and im 20 years old and embarrised of my own body :( x lol

Dont be silly! I meant that Im so big, tall and broad that I cant imagine being a size 8 - you must be lovely and slim and slender! :hug:
Ohh noo, I'm already looking pretty rounded and I'm only 14+1!! Give it a fortnight and I'll be like shamu =P
I still don't really have a bump and would love one! So i'd count myself as lucky.

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