September 2017 mummies

My scan is in 8 days on the 6th. Then I'm hoping to add my EDD to the group as I'll feel more confident. We may be over in the second trimester forum by then. How exciting! x
Elfs weird is this. We were both on this forum last year with our 2016 babies. mine April, yours June.
Then this year we're both 12 weeks pregnant at the same time, and we both have our scans on Wednesday.
We're both down on the due date list as the 9th September!

craziness, thought I'd mention haha Xx
I'm 12 weeks today so I'll scooch over to tri 2 after Thursday scan. Haven't had any back pain yet so can't help with that. Dreading the inevitable spd though!

It is crazy I bet my date will change on Wednesday though it has at m past two twelve week scans which is crazy and with my son impossible as I would have got
A positive test two days after I ovulated xx
Elfs Mummy mine was moved up on my dating scan has put it a whole 7 days before I should have ovulated! Which is something that has never ever happened to me before since I started my period.

My LMP was 3/12/16 so going by that, at my scan I should have been 11+6, but I was dated at 12+6! (At my early scan I was dated at 6+1 when it should have been 5+5!)

So either the baby is growing really fast, or I ovulated a week early for the first time in the history of my periods.

Then, I did get a positive test a about 8 days before my period was due - even on a digi!
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Sorry if this has been asked on here already, but when is everyone counting the second tri?
I always thought it was the 13th week, which for me starts tomorrow!

The last few days I have felt so much better; less waves of nausea, less exhaustion, less sadness/anxiety. It's been great!

Yeah, the last week has actually been getting better in terms of nausea and exhaustion. However, I'm still an emotional wreck a lot. I've noticed I get annoyed and angry way too easily. Other then that not as nauseous or exhausted as I was. Stomach still feels like a bottomless pit though more so lately...
the forums site says trimester 2 starts at 14 weeks, but online says it's 13. think I'll head over a little in between! doesn't matter that much does it :) Xx
So I worked out that a third way through a 40 week pregnancy is 13.3. So rounding it up I would say the 2nd tri starts as you hit 13 weeks x
It's my scan day eek so scary today it becomes new real xx
Good luck for scans Elfs Mummy and blueberry!

Heading over to tri 2 measuring 13 weeks exactly so now due 6th September
Good luck for scans Elfs Mummy and blueberry!

thank you :) scan went well, one wiggly happy baby in there. Still measuring 12 weeks and 4 days so 9th September.
I'll head over to trimester 2 at the weekend Xx
Hi ladies, scan went well. Bang on 13 weeks so got moved forward by 3 days. Will keep this thread updated with the rest of your dates :)

Hi september mummies!!According to my Obgyn I am due in september 25 ! Hope You are all well,yay
Welcome and congratulations! I'll add you to the list :)

Yesterday I was bang on what I estimate to be 12 weeks and I woke up clearly feeling my uterus in my lower abdomen. I wasn't aware this happened so it was nice to feel it by surprise rather than look out for it. My scan is tomorrow so fingers crossed for my EDD if all goes well. Hope everyone is doing week whose still left on this thread and not yet in the 2nd tri x
Hey all! Sorry haven't been on for a while, glad to catch up with everyone:) My scan is 1 week today, cannot wait!
Hi all, cannot believe my scan is tomorrow morning! Am terrified as I think something might be wrong, but I've no idea why I feel that. Buuut am so excited to see bubba and make sure everything's as it should! Hopefully this time in about 27 hours I shall have some good news! Provided all is well, we'll be telling our little boy tomorrow evening too, which I'm very much looking forward too. Our family has been shrouded in bad news over the last few weeks so hoping this will be the light at the end of the tunnel xx

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