Sepsis after MC


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2017
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After a long drawn out miscarriage since June 3rd I was rewarded with a stay in a&e this week after becoming severely ill with sepsis and resulting in an evacuation of the womb (d&e) under general anaesthetic. I wanted to warn everyone of the very real possibility that this could happen when miscarrying and please be so careful. I was so very very ill and my recovery is now going to be slow. With the current heat in the UK I did not recognise my soaring temperature as seriously as I should have and the 4cm piece of tissue that remained was causing real harm. My symptoms were mild until suddenly turning extreme overnight.
Please do not be afraid to go to a&e if you are worried about anything, I was watched by ICU for one night and they said had i left it any longer the results could have been much much worse. This isn't meant to be a scare story but a reminder to visit a doctor or hospital if you suspect anything as sepsis really was a quiet infection that crept up on me very quickly.
So sorry to hear this, hope you’re on the mend now xx
Thanks LucyC it's going to be slow as the sepsis has left me incredibly weak and tired and my cervix and womb need time to heal from the evacuation. It has made the whole sad process much harder but I am on the road to recovery now xx
I’m sorry to read this, I hope you start to feel a little better soon.

I’m also very sorry to hear of your loss
I was just thinking about you the other day! I'm so sorry to hear about this, you poor thing. That must've been scary. You've had it rough this past month. I really hope you'll be able to get some rest after all of this. I think a nice holiday will be in order when you're feeling better x

For anyone else reading - I've always heard that if you're miscarrying naturally it's important to have an ultrasound to make sure all the tissue has come away. They're really pushy on d&cs here, and I think it's to prevent this, so it's worth considering if you have that choice to make.
Oh my gosh Smithy!!! I am SO sorry to hear this, I hope they cared for you well in the hospital and I am so glad you’re recovering now. Hugs.
Oh gosh smithy this is awful, I’m so sorry, thank god it was caught when it was, it’s frightening how fast the tissue become infected, especially when they just sent you away for it to come out on its own, wishing you a speedy recovery x
Oh Smithy! Hugs all round to you. Look after yourself and I hope that you have a swift and easy recovery <3
Thank you everyone I am recovering well considering. Yes night owl it is frightening because the scan showed some retained tissue which they did say would come out on it's own. You just trust the process but I should have known something was wrong too. I felt off but assumed it was just because it was taking so long.
Winterwolf they try to stay away from d&c as much as possible here and despite regular contact with the hospital and staff this still happened to me. It's the speed the infection can spread and sepsis took hold between 24 and 48 hours I would say.
Definitely due a long holiday this summer for sure!
Oh I know, there's definitely nothing you could've done to prevent it! You got really unlucky with it becoming septic instead of a regular infection.
Get well soon. As if it&#8217;s not bad enough having a miscarriage :(

I had an ectopic pregnancy last year with salpingectomy on the Wednesday. Discharged on the Thursday but Friday night I took ill and rang the ward. They had me straight back in and within minutes I was on the sepsis pathway. Being told your kidneys might be damaged and that you&#8217;re going to hdu was somewhat terrifying.

I&#8217;m happy to report I have no lasting physical effects though. Just the mental scars. I hope you&#8217;re back on your feet soon x
:hug: I am so sorry this happened to you and thank you for sharing with us xxx
As if your experience wasn&#8217;t bad enough sending you lots of love and hope you have a speedy recovery x
So sorry to hear you went through this smithybaby. Sending love and hugs XX
I just wanted to thank everyone as I realised I hadn't read the last couple of messages. I am now better physically although occasionally I get over tired if I do too much. The mental affects will probably stay for a while as it was quite a scary time for me. I am so grateful for the NHS as well as the care and support I have received from everyone here. You are all incredible women and the only reason I can say I am continuing this journey and TTC again. Thank you all x

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