Separate bedrooms?

Marijana FC

Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2007
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Hi All! My baby is due in September and my husband and I are trying to agree upon a couple of 'essentials'. And we can't make up our minds about one particular thing: what is better for the baby/you/you as a couple - for the little one to sleep in its own bedroom from day 1 or to share bedroom with you for a while (and for how long)?My husband thinks it's better for everybody if baby is in their own bedroom and I am not sure. I can see why it makes more sense to have separate bedrooms but my instincts are telling me to keep the baby with us at least for a little while. Any opinions? Thanks!
This is a very personal issue and what is right for one family isn't right for the next.

I'm currently TTC number 2 living in a 2 bedroomed house, and I wouldn't dream of asking my teenage son to share with the baby. We have a huge bedroom and I didn't move my son out of there till he was at least 12 months old. So we're not panicking, we'll start a loft conversion once we know the baby is well on its way and if it takes 12 months it takes 12 months.

Certainly in the early days I think its an advantage to have the baby in the same room as you as it makes waking up in the night.checking on the baby much easier, but if your room is small and it would be a nightmare, then there's no harm in the baby going straight into its own room
my boyf said when i was pregnant he wanted the baby in her own room straight away. but now shes here he wouldnt even THINK about leaving her all alone! she seems too tiny and vulnerable to leave all the way down the hall, we want her with us!
LO is gonna be with us for a few months, it was pretty much agreed by both of us without discussion. we both feel quite strongly about having him/her in the room with us at first
Although lots of people put baby in own room from the start I choose to have mine in with me but only for the first couple of months. Just because its easier, they may want feeding 3 times a night for the first few weeks so I just prefered to do it in bed.
We've got quite a small room and can't fit a full size cot in it so we got a glider cradle that will fits and will sleep bubs for at least 4 months so once bubs hasn't outgrown it s/he will go into their own room which is right next door anyway.
With cot death being sucha high factor in the forst 6 months i feel personallky its essential that my baby stayed with me and he did and it was something we got used too. I might not of heard him in another room and when he was crying or something had frightened him i was there to comfort him straight away. And feed him too.

I will do the same with this one, I wouldnt consider putting my baby on her own room while so young and demand feeding and waking up all hours.

I think 6 months is the perfect time to out a child in theor own room providing their settled and not waking up all hours
With my DD she was in our room in a moses basket for the first 3 months.

I have read in a few places that they recommend the baby sleeps in your room until 6 months old now. (I intend to with this baby) I think they have evidence to suggest it reduces the risk of cot death. Not sure how - maybe because a mother's instinct will wake her up in time if something is wrong???

Of course it's not recommended that they share your bed, but in a moses basket or cot is okay. (Bed sharing a bad idea cos of increased risk of cot death (SIDS) and smothering baby)

Also they should get used to falling asleep on their own rather than being cuddled, fed, rocked, in bed with you. This can still be achieved in your bedroom if they have their own cot/moses basket.
I had a moses basket last time and have one this time too and LO will sleep right by my bed
Mine is staying in my room firstly because Im still living at home, but i think personally is better to have them with your for first 6 months +...she will have her own room when we move out 6 months - 1year old :hug:

But again its a personal choice :moon:
We're having ours in a moses basket in our room until they get too big for it, and then will transfer to cot in the other room as we don't have space for the cot in our room.
Hey Ladies, thanks a lot for your replies! It feels like you confirmed my instincts! Thanks again! :hug:
I had Isabella in our room until she was about 15 weeks old.

It was best for us all round when she did move, she slept better, we slept better. We have got one of those movement sensors in her cot which I think is one of my most valuable items.
Or HV recommended that we keep Jude in our room until at least 6 months. Something to do with breathing in sync with the mother? :)
Ask your hubby how he feels about getting up and walking into another bedroom five times a night! Nightfeeds are tiring enough without having to wander round the house too lol.
Thea slept with us until she was just over 6 months old. We had no problems moving her into her own room because she was already sleeping in her cot.
Jonah slept in his room from as soon as he came home. I wanted a routine asap. We used to put the moses basket in his cot and wonder when he'd ever fit in the cot, it looked so huge. We've been really lucky with him, he slept through the night from early on and has never asked to be in bed with us, he's always had his own room and we'll do the same with this one too.
We had monitors and breathing alarms and I did a baby rescusitation course so I'd know what do do if it went off.

Kiara was with us for 6 months then in her own room.
This time we are still in a two bedroom so Kadyn is with us which is fine as i want him with us for 6 months as well but am hoping to find a cheap 3 bedroom by the time hes ready to switch over as i know they will just keep eachother up.
I have been told by near enough every doctor, midwife and friend who has experience that a baby has to sleep in the same room as you for a min of 3 months. This is to do with the babhy being small and being in it's own room, even with a monitor can be dangerous. If the baby is in the same room as you, the first sign of trouble you are right there. Plus, something also to do with the baby resting easier.

It's up to you at the end of the day, if you feel you need space then do it but if medical advice says the baby has to be in the same room as you, I wouldn't push that.

Personal opinion, I'm having junior stay in the same room as us, mainly so that my fella will get up and feed him, i sleep like a rock, he doesn't :lol:
We got a spare bed for the spare room and OH sleeps in there. I insist on Eefie being with me for at least 6 months (personal choice) and as people have mentionned you could be up 5 times in a night to pop a dummy back in, put covers back over etc. Takes me 2 seconds to do it and I'm back in bed.

We've also since decided that Eefie can stay longer as we're planning number 2 and at the end of last pregnancy I couldnt sleep so went downstairs so I didnt disturb OH whereas now I can stay put if it came to that again.

Works well for us, OH gets a good nights sleep before work and I can take care of LO if he needs it. OH stays in with us sometimes but can easily get up and go to his own bed if he wants.

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