Sent for bloods


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2009
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I forgot to tell you ladies I was sent for bloods yesterday after seeing crapy doctor after crapy doctor my midwife said I should have been set for bloods ages ago coz of my itching - bloods nhs!! So I had them done yesterday she said chances r it's still puppp but best to be on the safe side but also would tell me what else it might be can anyone enlighten me? Xx

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She might be thinking it's obstetric choelitis (sp?) which can make you itch like mad. Something to do with your liver I think!

Hope youre ok.

Could this be relate to all the cramps I've been having?? Oh god I hope it's not my liver bloody nhs!!!!!

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Obstetric Cholestasis hun. I've got it and I had it with Jacob.
Yea but what is it???

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What is obstetric cholestasis ?

Obstetric cholestasis (OC) is a rare pregnancy condition that affects your liver and causes you to feel itchy, sometimes intensely so. You may also hear OC called cholestasis of pregnancy or intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP). OC affects less than one per cent of mums-to-be in England (RCOG 2006:1).

We still don't know exactly what triggers OC. We do know that OC happens as a result of the way your body uses bile, a liquid produced in your liver. Bile helps break down food, in particular fats, in your gut.

Normally, bile flows down a tube (the bile duct) into your intestines. If you have OC, less bile flows into your intestines. That means bile salts start to build up in your body.

Some experts think OC is caused by the pregnancy hormones oestrogen and progesterone. Your body may be sensitive to high levels of these hormones, and this may affect how your liver works.

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