Midwifes, Hospitals and Doctors!!!


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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Yesterday the doctor rang me asking for another urine sample as he had a call from the hospital saying that they found something in the last one, so when I went to the midwife today I did another sample she found blood in it again but has sent it to the hospital for more tests, she said they were also conserned about the protine in my bloods, why did they tell me that all was fine and send me home then contact my midwife and doctor with conserns a week later?
The midwife said not to be to worried about it as looking at my bump the pains nesting ect then the baby will be out b4 they get the results back :shock:
oooo eck!!! :shock:

At the min I hate the NHS and that includes all the staff in it!

They are supposed to be caring proffesionals who strive for excellence - in my experience they are not bothered about us as individuals and only see us as numbers..... it certainly doesn't instill any confidence in them does it!?

I hope all goes well with your tests babe and that you get the answers you need before baby comes! Good Luck :hug:
Thanks I will probibly never hear of them looks like I will have to contact them again as you said the NHS are poo
The sooner your baby is out the better, so you can get shot of those incompitant idiots :shakehead:
Yeah but then we have the health visitors who are worse here! I have the same one as I had with Luke and I cant stand her.
And a friend of mine was due yesterday and becouse she was epeleptic when a child they are inducing her tomorow! and me I was passing out till about a month ago and they wont induce me till ten days after my due date thats 27th you would think it would be easyer for them to do it before xmas.
And with BP beeing high I stand more of a chance of passing out again!
Sods law cab, it's shocking how some people get treated.
There is just no consistency is there... I mean you hear stories about people being induced and having babies early ( for seemingly small reasons) but then when you ask about it they tell you that you can't be induced!!!

You have had your fair share of problems and you would think they would take this into consideration!!! !
I know yeah bloody NHS!!!
do you know its taken 6 years to get us a dentist, OH went today and got his tooth out, the only good thing is he cant talk Ha Ha but he also cant do anything lazzy git
sorry you all feeling down about the nhs and having bad times :hug: :hug: :hug:

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