seller turned down our offer:-(

you never know whats just around the corner :hug: :hug: xx
hey, the house looks lovely in the pictures.

Its a step closer and if its meant to be it will be! Hope it works out well for you - keep us updated!!!

:hug: :hug: :hug:
James Dad had with out us asking him told me he will give us the money we our short of to buy our own place
i am so chocked with appreciation :hug: i know its been hard living here and ive had my moans about the in laws
but I LOVE HIM AND ANNE :hug: for doing this for us im in tears while writing this :cry: :D

i wish we didnt need to take the money and i will do my upmost to pay him back what we can even though he said it was a gift not a loan

Its lifteted such a weight of our shoulders and i can really see the light at the end of the tunnel now :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

James will still be in reading till at least October and we do not know where he will be exepted to transfer if he goes into the home office force so the house we looked at may not be the one

but i dont care because one day soon we will have a home of our own :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
im so happy for you chick i really am. Hope it all goes through ok and you get a house as soon as James finishes there :)
My gosh sarah, things reallyare moving on for you arnt they.

That is fantastic that james dad is willing to lend you the money - at the end of the day, it is his grandson also, just lucky that he has that cash!!

OOOOOOo im soooo happy for you!!!

Keep us updated,

Ohhhhhhhhhh, good luck, it sounds like its all falling into place for you :hug:

My firneds bro lives in Kent and we drove past Snodland a few times, I just LOVE the name Snodland, it sounds sooooooooo funny!!! I have always wanted to say I live in Snodland :lol:

The house looks lovely too! Keeping everything crossed for you hunny :pray:
That is great!!!! And the house looks lovely!!!!!!
Wishing you all the best, hun!!! :hug:
Yeah im excited :cheer:
Told James what his dad said he seemed a bit shocked but relived he been putting off asking him. he going to talk to his dad when he gets home and discuss it properly :D

Oh that's brilliant news, the house looks gorgeous too, it'd be perfect for you and your new family. Good luck with it and even if this one falls through you've got the ball rolling now :cheer:
Yayyyyyyyy :cheer: Sarah thats fab news.

Oh i hope you get it :pray: :pray: :pray:

Fingers crossed for you hun.

Keep us posted.

:hug: xxxxx
I really hope you get it, you deserve it!! :D
Will keep my fingers crossed for you!!
thats brilliant news sarah :cheer: :hug:

will be keeping an eye out for updates :dance: :hug:

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