seller turned down our offer:-(


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2007
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Not going to even bother bumping this up im not having a good day :cry:
seller wants the asking price even though its no chain costing him money each day and over priced hes dug his heels in turned down both our offers
we cant go past £125.OOO
looking at more houses next week so hopfully we can find some thing
but its so hard to find anything below £130.000 never mind 125.000
fingers crossed :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

We have put an offer in today we couldnt wait till thursday now we our just waiting for the news :pray: :pray: :pray:


I never thought this day would come we have been waiting to long savin gup so hard and when James told me today he we were going a head with the offer i was so shocked but very very happy :hug: :D

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Natwest have accepted us for the motgage
We our putting in an offer for the house in Snodland on Thursday
No one has put an offer in yet and Ward & Partners said they may be willing to drop the price further then £125.00 so we could get it for even less :pray: :dance: ... 0851365751
wish us luck :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

I am so happy i hope we get it :pray: :dance: :dance:

James had decided stay in a bed sit in Reading untill he can tranfer to kent police to save money, so we can buy now instead of waiting till later

im so happy and excited i might just go into labour :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:


I am so estastic so be finaly doing this :dance: :dance:
I just want to say even if we dont put an offer in im still happy because this is a step forward from just looking in the papers and online
we have booked at time today to go and see a house :dance:

And i am so happy it makes me finaly see the light at the end of the tunnel and that one day in the not to distant future we will have our own home

Its at a price we could afford and we our hopeing a we can get a motgage to buy Ward & Partners said they will help us out with the fees so fingers crossed :pray: it is lovely :D and has just been refurbished
And there are shops just around the corner, amenities which is great for me as i dont drive and with James away so much i will not have to relay on public transport to go and replensih supplies and a park for Collier close by to play in :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Its in a place calles Snodland about 20 minutes away from where we our now prices are more resonable in Snodland

I've lived and my OH parents place in the Granny annexe for over 2 years now :( to save money and to have a home with a proper kitchen and a sink to wash dishes instead of a bowl (dont tell James i said that he's always the one that washes them up in the bowl :shhh: ) Would be magical

And for my soon to be born Son to have a Nursery room of his own :hug: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Im not getting my hopes up or expecting to much but its a step and every step means im closer to living in my own home :cheer: :dance: :dance:

Wish us luck :pray:
sarah :wave:
Well i wish u good luck with it, we r moving house in august and cant wait :) we get the key 31 july..
:cheer: :cheer: Good luck!!!!! Enjoy!! I know how much this means to you and how unhappy you are living where you do. :hug: hope James falls in love with it and puts an offer in today!!! :cheer: :cheer: xx
Oooh it looks lovely, nicely decorated so you wont have to do much, hope its as nice as the photos when you go look round.

Good luck :cheer:
Yeah it looks lovely! I'm jealous! It looks like you could move right in - our house is a decorative disaster in comparison!
hope the viewing goes well! You deserve to have a nice home of your own :)
yay!!! thats exciting

me and OH are househunting this weekend and i cant wait either
gymbabeliz said:
yay!!! thats exciting

me and OH are househunting this weekend and i cant wait either

Thanks everyone we our off to view it now :cheer:

Good luck with your house hunting Gymbabeliz :D

sarah :wave:
i hope its as lovely and it looks and that you'll soon have your own lil place :) let as know how you get on :hug:
awwwwww sarah its lovely!!!

i know how much this means to you so i really wish you the best of luck, let me know how you get on xx
The house is lovely :D
I knew it was never intended for us to seriously buy it i hoped :oops: :pray: but i knew it was just to see what we could afford :D
I am still happy as its still a step closer :dance:
We talked to Ward & Partners mortgage advisers and they said with our savings and earning we our potential buyers :D but with what we have saved we'd still need to borrow more making the over all cost of our repayments to painful we need £2/3.000 more to make the repayments at a comfortable position

:wall: We our soooo close its unbearable :wall:

We could borrow more but we do not want to stretch ourselves to the point that if there is a bad month we have nothing to fall back on and we can't make repayments and loose the house
So DEEP BREATH James is going to ask his Dad if he will lend us the needed money. I don't want to do this :( :cry: i really dont!!. I want us to be able to afford it ourselves but i have to swallow my pride and think of my Sons needs and he needs to be living in a house

The adviser is going to look into an Agreement In Princaple with mortgage lenders get us an agreement. lend the money off his Dad spend the next few months saving a bit more to lower the amount we need to borrow of his Dad and get us a house :cheer:

(James can't tranfer out of Reading MOD to home office in Kent as ive just found out they have extended his contract for another 3 months :x :x It was supossed to be just the 2 years probation and that finishes in 2 weeks IM FURIOUS as how can they do this?
He could move MOD stations but theres only one in Kent so we still have his rental out goings and travel cost in Reading)

(NOTE no i cant move and get a place in Reading he was made to be stationed there when he joined the MOD and he never intended to stay once his 2 year probation time was up and Reading is more costly we always intended for him to transfer back here ) If i'd moved up there we would never have been able to save the amount we have done

On paper we can afford the house above If we put in an offer of £125.000 to escape the stamp duty thresh hold.
But by the time weve sorted out the loan from his dad and the AIP with the lenders that house may be off the market
And with James still paying out rent in Reading it would stretch us to thin
so no home for me yet :(

So all in all if his Dad says yes then we will have a house in the near furture :pray: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Yay glad the house is as good as it looks in the photos, hope James' dad says yes :cheer:

if I were you I would still offer lower than the stamp duty limit and explain your reasons to the agents, the worse that can happen is they say no and you have to up your offer, but they might agree.

I would also ask the agent how long its been on the market and how many other viewings there have been and when they took place. This will give you a better idea of your position and being able to negotiate around the stamp duty threshold.
its all a step in the right direction hunni xx

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