

Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2006
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or just me being a whinge??? my oh plays football at the weekend(on a sun) nothing serious just a kick about with his mates and he wanted to go today but i said no id rather you helped me with the kids, am i being selfish??
HELL NO, when you have got a 1 week old baby you need all the support you can get. Tell him if he goes it will be his balls getting kicked around the park.
lauramum01 said:
Tell him if he goes it will be his balls getting kicked around the park.

With a 1 week old babe!! he should be at home helping you with house work and feeding you... i could only just waddle to the kitchen t 1 week i was still walking like john wayne!
If you need the help he should stay...simple!

Maybe in few weeks when things are more settled he can go...but for now you call the shots :)
of course your not being selfish hun, you've got a new bubba and a toddler. i bet its not easy at the best of times let alone when you've given birth a week ago! its not too much to ask on the scale of things is it!
Daniel plays football on a Sunday too and I dont have a problem with it, Im glad to have a few hours with him out of my hair to be honest ha ha!

But I dont have a 1 week old baby and if I did I think I'd feel the same as you. You're not being selfish at all :hug:
My Dh plays football on a sunday morning too and on a monday night - he told me last night that he has been asked to play for a team on a saturday morning, well you can guess my reaction :wink: he didn't play till Jacob was about a month old though so no I don't think you are being selfish at all!

no hun, you should not be expected to be on your own with a week old baby and a toddler. make him stay at home for a few more weeks at least, or tell him to take Chloe with him. :)

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