Self settling

hahaa anything is worth a shit!

i read that and thought... Huh?!

that made me LOL
Anything is worth a shit hun, you won't know if you don't try :) x

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That's hilarious!! Anything is worth a shit!! Xx
You sure it's not you and your making the excuse that it's your phone lol xx

That must be it Vicki... she just loves a good old shit hahaa!
Lmao! It's the second time this has happened! Xx

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Theo has self settled from birth he doesn't like cuddles to sleep at any time :-( if he's tired we just lay him down and he goes to sleep. Sometimes wish he was cuddly for naps x
Well I put him down awake and he made a bit of a fuss so picked him up and put him down half awake and he drifted right off so maybe he is ready!! He also had a great night last night which was fantastic!!
Self settling, what a beautiful thought! I'm guessing I'm too early to even contemplate this as Charlie is only 4 weeks, but his sleep has got worse the past week than before! The last two nights he has had his nighttime routine and gone upstairs between 8.30pm and 9.30pm, both nights I've gone to bed at midnight and he's woken between 1.30am and 2am, and I've been up ever since! I'm running on fumes this morning! This morning he finally went back to sleep at 5.30am after two feeds and lots of poop, and a lot of time trying to work out what was wrong. I have to rock him to sleep though. By that time I'm wide awake, I just feel awful later in the day!
I rocked Jack for all of his sleeps until he was 9 months old. I tried laying him down over those 9 months but he used to cry and we hated it (not a fan of SS). One night while I was rocking him he kept flinging his 'loose' arm around as though he wanted to be put down so I laid him in his cot (with his dummy & muzzy) and he curled onto his side and went to sleep! From then on I laid him down awake each time and if he cried I rocked him to sleep, if he didn't I left him to settle himself. Now he goes down in his sleeping bag with his muzzy and 3 dummies (he falls asleep holding them,so cute!) and hashis lullabyes on and he's asleep within 5mins!

We'll be doing exactly the same with our newbie :) x
I am a believer that a baby will SS when he/she is ready.
You can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink!

My point exactly! Just a shame some take alot longer than others x
i think this too, we didnt do anything differently, he just decided he wanted to do it himself
I rock Isaac to sleep for his daytime naps & feed him to sleep at night. I also want to help him ss as I'm getting back ache from all the rocking & also he wakes loads in the night & doesn't seem to want anything but just can't get back to sleep by himself so I end up rocking him & it can take ages - not fun in the night! Just been reading about pick up, put down so going to start that tomorrow & see how it goes.
H has self settled during the night since she was 6 weeks old! Last night I put her down no rocking cuddles or singing, 5 minutes later I went to check on her and she was fast asleep!

The day naps are a totally different story lol! Shes very hit and miss, She is a nightmare and will NOT go to sleep regardless of what I do one day and the next day she will fall asleep in her chair or her playmat.

I managed to get her to self settle so early by fluke really! As some of the girls know she was a very difficult baby and cried constantly! In the end I got that used to her crying I managed to just put her down and ignore her! Sounds cruel but I had to do it for my own sanity!

Lyssa is hit and miss with the ss, sometimes she will and sometimes i have to feed her to sleep
Self settling, what a beautiful thought! I'm guessing I'm too early to even contemplate this as Charlie is only 4 weeks, but his sleep has got worse the past week than before! The last two nights he has had his nighttime routine and gone upstairs between 8.30pm and 9.30pm, both nights I've gone to bed at midnight and he's woken between 1.30am and 2am, and I've been up ever since! I'm running on fumes this morning! This morning he finally went back to sleep at 5.30am after two feeds and lots of poop, and a lot of time trying to work out what was wrong. I have to rock him to sleep though. By that time I'm wide awake, I just feel awful later in the day!

Fin is 5 weeks, he'll ss during the day but rarely at night, mostly he falls asleep in my arms.
I read a book this week(whisperers top tips for sleep) which is all about reading their cues. I think Fin is harder to read at night but if you catch his cue and put him down quickly he'll go off on his own. If you miss his 20 min window (tine it takes from yawning stating to becoming overtired) then it takes ages to get him to sleep!
Fin is the same though, he can be really sleepy during the day and awake at night! It could just be a new baby thing and they will sort themselves out! Hope so as we've gone from sleeping for 3-4 hours a night to waking evert hour to hour and a half!! Xx

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