seems to be getting please


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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My little girls 6.5 months now and her night-time routine seems to be going to pot at the moment. She goes to bed at 7 and eventually slept through a month ago but for the past week she has been waking at 5ish and chatting to herself..loudly. This goes on for an hour and then we get up. (she has on 1 or 2 occasion gone back but usually she ends up getting louder and crying).

Im really hoping any of you have any advice or have any experience of this happening. I can cop with it but this disturbs my 3 year old almost every morning.

Help please :(

oh, she has about 4x cubes of vege twice a day and around 20oz of milk.
Reggie is the same age and only goes to bed around 9/10pm and then only sleeps til 1/2am usually for a feed, occasionally he will sleep through til 6/7am for a I hate to say it but you routine sounds like bliss even with her only going til 5am recently!! :rotfl: xx
Logan was getting a bit worse recently too and he is only a tad older than yours. I foud going into his room and giving him a feed as if it was the night time worked (dark lights, gently rocking etc), sometimes i can hear on the monitor that he stays awake for 15 minutes or so but is happy to chat quietly then goes back to sleep until our normal getting up time.

He has three meals in the day of about 175g plus 4 breastfeeds and fingerfood snacks goes down between 7:30 and 8 depending on day time sleep and was waking at 6 now getting up at 8. He inly started doing 11 hours sleep just after new years.


I always found just feeding back to sleep was the best cure. However if your baby isn't waking out of hunger it will be too much day time sleep and rarely it is too little day time sleep Ideally LO 6 months ish should be having about 3hrs sleep a day. If she is like my little one and chats away happily without being too bothered about a feed then too much day time sleep is your problem. I found just reducing the afternoon nap to 15 mins helped my LO then I dropped it out altogether so he doesn't sleep after 3pm now but he is older than your little girl.

Carbs in the evening are great for getting baby off to sleep for a long time. If you do tea at about 5pm of 2/3 tsp of baby rice mixed with breast milk/ formula or water and then a milk feed before bed at 6/6.30 that would be good. Also every two days try to get LO to have one more cube of veg and once she is taking 5 cubes then start getting some protein (chicken/fish/lamb are good) in there at late mornig/ lunch and carbs for tea time.

Sorry you are having such a tricky time of it.

Hope things resolve soon!

Becs x
Thanks for your replies. :) Becs i am going to try some of your suggestions..thank you. She is still doing this and i know it could be much worse (my son was actually worse!) but it is disrupting my eldest and even her own daytime routine as im playing catch up all day.
I really thought of just feeding her at 6 this morning and putting her back in her cot but i felt a bit mean as maybe shes an early bird...but if she would just stop the chatting from 4.30! :D

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