Security in hospital


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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When I have baby and "if" I need to stay overnight are hospital wards secure so I'll be able to go to the loo without worrying baby will be snatched while I'm away? When we had the ward tour everyone had to buzz to get in ward but no one was actually checked.
Evie had a tag around her foot that set all the alarms off if you tried to leave the hospital with her.
ooh a tag is such a good idea- my hospital was not that advanced!

ours watched everyone leaving and you needed a midwife/ nurse with you to leave with a baby as you and they needed to sign them out.

Yeah Calleigh had an alarm tag on her ankle which would go off if she was taken out of the ward.
However it came off her and it took me ages to get someone to put it back on for me :evil:
I didnt even think about it. They had the normal electronic doors but no tags on Lily or anything and my room was right next to the ward doors.
you can always buzz a MW / nurse to go and sit with bubs whilst you go to the loo. I to wheeled alice in the room with me when i wanted a shower.

We have security guards sitting on the door to the post and pre natal wards (but im not sure about overnight though).
Hazel said:
When I have baby and "if" I need to stay overnight are hospital wards secure so I'll be able to go to the loo without worrying baby will be snatched while I'm away? When we had the ward tour everyone had to buzz to get in ward but no one was actually checked.
are you still going to WHH hunni?

II stayed in overnight with James as I had him late in the evening. Its totally fine, they gave my OH the third degree when he buuzzed in and they knew who he was :lol: the toilets are right outside the ward and the desk is right infront of them too and there are always tons of nurses about. xxxx
Rachel21 said:
Evie had a tag around her foot that set all the alarms off if you tried to leave the hospital with her.

We never had that. That should be available in all hospitals. xxx
I think the cotbeds at our hospital are alarmed, and go off if she's picked up and it's turned on. I guess you keep the key, turn it off when with them, and on when you want to nip out for a wee.
i though all hospitals had the security tags i know ours had and there is only the midwives and docs that can deactivate it
Tillytots said:
Hazel said:
When I have baby and "if" I need to stay overnight are hospital wards secure so I'll be able to go to the loo without worrying baby will be snatched while I'm away? When we had the ward tour everyone had to buzz to get in ward but no one was actually checked.
are you still going to WHH hunni?

II stayed in overnight with James as I had him late in the evening. Its totally fine, they gave my OH the third degree when he buuzzed in and they knew who he was :lol: the toilets are right outside the ward and the desk is right infront of them too and there are always tons of nurses about. xxxx

Yep, going to WHH (soon I hope :pray: ). Thought it looked quite safe there but you never know.
yep we had tags that you put in the foot of baby grows but TBH other mums and MW are around to check and you can take them with you if needed
Our hospital have to check the wrist/ankle bands before baby goes home. However, no one bothered to check Angel's. But if i needed the loo etc i had become friends with the girl next to me and just asked each other to keep an ear out while we were out the room.
At the hospital I had my 3 they got tagged too and they told me if I wanted to go toilet or for a shower then either ask the ladies around to keep an eye on babs for me or get a midwife! They were never left alone!
think the hospital im going to has 2 secirity tags on the babies that set alarms off if they was to leave the ward and parteners get given a swipe card to get in and out.
Our hospital didn't have the security tags, but there was a double door entry system with buzzers on both which were right next to the midwives desk.

Anyone acting in any way suspiciously would have been approached. I felt that Luke was very safe in hospital. Also remember that general visiting hours are very strict and often short so there are only a few hours in the day that there are people wondering around the ward.
NickyB said:
I think the cotbeds at our hospital are alarmed, and go off if she's picked up and it's turned on. I guess you keep the key, turn it off when with them, and on when you want to nip out for a wee.

Ours had these but to be honest I didn't trust them, I was in a week after Isaac's birth and only went to the loo when OH was there, and on a night it was safe in that visitors weren't allowed after 7pm, OH's 10pm I think it was, so then I could go relax in a bath if wanted as MW's would keep an eye on baby for you and no non-Mummy's were on the wards :)

Congratulations again Hazel :hug: :hug: :hug:

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