Hospital - how long were you in for?

I was in for 5 days in total. I was induced Sunday afternoon, had Aimee on Monday night and was out on Thursday. I had a forceps delivery and stitches so I was kept in to be monitored. If it wasn't for the fact my lady bits were so sore I could barely walk I would have ran from the hospital screaming when they discharged me. I was going mental in there. It was alright when Ewan was there but when he left at 8pm I was so miserable.
I was in for 5 days, they wanted to keep me in for a 1 week but i begged and pleaded with a nice MW and thankfully my BP was just below the cut off for 'high' by the afternoon and I was allowed home, though I still have not been discharged from MW care with continued home visits for monitoring.

OH was not allowed to stay which i thought i'd hate but in the end i was ok with that. he visited everyday from 10am-9pm :)
had her wednesday night 11:33pm and came home friday morning around 10am. originally i wanted to come home asap.....but i was happy to stay for that length....the nurses were SO kind and helpful!
Louis was born at 6 a.m. on the Monday morning and I had to spend one night in hospital... I was allowed to go home at 1 p.m. on the Tuesday. Everything was fine but they said they were keeping me to check how I was getting on with breastfeeding. My OH and I were very disappointed as we were told earlier in the day that I could go back home at 5 p.m. on the Monday :shock: He had to leave the hospital at 8 p.m. and it was really hard for both of us not to spend the first night with Louis together :cry:
Rudy was born at 11.43pm on weds night, we were home by 2.30pm the following afternoon. Our hospital had the 8-8 visiting times too and OH wasn't allowed to stay. We paid for a private room and still OH wasn't allowed :wall: , in fact I quite enjoyed mine and LO's alone time that night- it was a good bonding experiance.

Alex xxx
I stayed in hospital for 1 night (OH couldnt stay there with me) and was then transfered to the birthing centre as i had problems getting my LO to feed so stayed there for 2 nights, (OH could have stayed with me, but didn't lol, he doesnt like hospitals either)
I staying in for 3 nights after my first! Only because he was having trouble breast feeding! I decided to come home after 6 hours with my second son and have alway regretted it!
Now just let this hospital try and send me home before I have had my one night it!! :talkhand: :shakehead:
But then I like hospitals!! Blame the Silent Hill game hahaha :lol: I sit there waiting for it all to change!?!? :shock: :rotfl:
I was in jessops 11 days after having Hannah in a private room and they let malc stay as i was so upset and ill that Hannah was in scbu, they let him have a put up bed in my room and he stayed for the whole 11 days
I had Zachary 7.28pm on the Sunday night and left hospital the following evening at about tea time. I had my own room, and I asked if OH could sleep the night in the chair but they wouldnt let him...I dont see why not to be honest!!!!!
I went in for induction on the Saturday, had Becky on Sunday and was in till Wednesday because of complications following my failed epidural. I had a procedure to fix it on Tuesday. I wanted to go home on Tuesday evening but they wouldn't let me so I got out at 2pm Wednesday.
If your having your baby at Jessop Wing, OH's can visit 9am-9pm but they don't let them stay overnight usually.
bunnymom1980 said:
If your having your baby at Jessop Wing, OH's can visit 9am-9pm but they don't let them stay overnight usually.

yeah i am, hopefully! ooohhh noooo....:(
I was in four nights - two nights before for induction and two nights after an eventual C-section - it was supposed to be three but I begged them to let us go home! I don't actually mind hospitals and it felt kinda "safe" there with the midwives to help but I was so tired as I found it impossible to sleep with all the other babies! I would have paid for a private room if they hasn't let me go home when they did x
Over here, (France) its a standard 4/5 days for your first baby, whether you like it or not, you apparently can request to leave on the 4th day but unless you live next door they dont like it. i live 1 hour from the clinique so will be stuck there. doesnt bother me that much as i will be looked after for a change and have a few days rest, although i will worry about my two horses. Hubby will have to look after the menagerie while im in, i think i will enjoy the break! lol. my midwife was horrified when i said in UK you can get kicked out the same day! lol
Labour 1:

Went in on Wednesday to be induced
DH was allowed to stay until 10pm and then left
Thursday he came in the morning, and again he was allowed to stay until 10pm and then left
Friday was the same as Thursday
Saturday evening I was moved to the delivery suite, so all Saturday night my mother and my dh stayed with me. DD was born 8.35am Sunday morning.
My mam left at around 11am Sunday morning to go to bed, but DH stayed with me until 10pm Sunday night, then he was made to leave.
Monday lunchtime I was discharged.

Labour 2:

Went in on Monday to be induced
DH was allowed to stay until 10pm and then left.
Tuesday he came in the morning, then Tuesday afternoon I was moved to the delivery suite, so my mam joined us.
DS was born 9.58pm Tuesday night.
My mam and DH were made to leave around 12.30am Wednesday morning.
DH came back later Wednesday morning and then Wednesday lunchtime I was discharged.
I went into hospital at about 6pm and gave birth just over six hours later. My mum and OH were with me the whole time and i stayed in the delivery room until about 4am when i was transferred to the ward. At that point OH and mum had to leave.
Then the hours that OH could be there were 10am til 8pm and i could have a max of two people (excluding OH) at a time visiting between the hours of 6pm-8pm.
I stayed in the hosptal for about 44 hours
~*Leanne*~ said:
bunnymom1980 said:
If your having your baby at Jessop Wing, OH's can visit 9am-9pm but they don't let them stay overnight usually.

yeah i am, hopefully! ooohhh noooo....:(
Hun my guesses are you will be soooo knackered after giving birth you will be wanting him to go so you can go to sleep hahahaha
I was in and out from 32 weeks til 38 weeks so six weeks approx. I was being monitored for pre eclampsia so they kept keeping me as my blood pressure was increasing constantly. At 38 weeks they decided to induce me. It started on the wednesday and I had my son on the thursday evening! I then stayed in two days after I had him as I couldn't walk at all due to my episiotomy.
I was in labour overnight with James and because the labour suites were all full I was taken up to the maternity ward, and wasn't allowed anyone with me as it was outside visiting hours :( I was given pethidine though so was soon too off my head to care!
My birth partner (my mum) was allowed in when I was finally moved down to the labour suite when fully dilated.
I was only kept in one night after though.

With Logan I gave birth in a midwife unit in the birthing pool so there were no rules about who could stay, I could have had a room full of people if I wanted :lol: I went home 4 hours after delivery too. It was a much nicer experience than the hospital birth, despite being twice as long!

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