Secrect Confessions of the BFP brigade

Mama 2 Be

Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2008
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This is the thread for all those embarrassing confessions only the BFP would understand.

Hi girls, I have sinned. :twisted:

On my way home from work last night I gave into those burger cravings, drove to McD's and bought a cheeseburger . . . and a quarter pounder with cheese! I can't even begin to tell you how fantastic it was - I don't even regret it! :rotfl:

When I got in hubby had finally managed to find the kitchen and decided to cook me dinner which he served the minute I walked through the door. :shock: I had to eat my dinner too so I didn't put him off cooking for me again (you know what they are like :roll: !) I couldn't move, I felt like a cow and wanted to be sick but couldn't confess!

Don't get me wrong if I had the choice I'd do it all again! :rotfl:

What have you got up to but haven't had the balls to tell anyone???? Don't pretend you're all :angel:
Other day, was feeling very sick all day. But bought myself a Subway cos could smell it.... Mmmmmmmm! And then when got home, OH was like, whats for tea?? I went I'm not cooking, feel too ill to cook and eat :angel:
Ummmm Subway - might do that one on the way home tonight! :lol:
Mama 2 Be said:
Ummmm Subway - might do that one on the way home tonight! :lol:

I went for a meal last night with OH. Been feeling pretty bad all day and hadn't eaten much. Its a Harvester so you get salad before and bread if you so wish, and then main meal. Well I scoffed my little pasta starter bowl and two pieces of bread thinking, feel better now, am all starving! Well when my main meal came, I almost puked over it :shakehead:
Last night I made myself a huge bowl of spag bol (made with quorn as can't have rare beef :x ) and did myself a salad to be healthy...ate the lot and then spent the next 30mins desperately trying not to :puke: it all back up again!!!
I think I need to eat little and often instead of stuffing myself stupid :lol:
:lol: Nothing really apart from being vile most fo the time to OH, but he will get over it :lol:

I am eating crap though, I want fish and chips tonight :lol:
HannahD said:
Last night I made myself a huge bowl of spag bol (made with quorn as can't have rare beef :x ) and did myself a salad to be healthy...ate the lot and then spent the next 30mins desperately trying not to :puke: it all back up again!!!
I think I need to eat little and often instead of stuffing myself stupid :lol:

I did that last night :lol: scoffed my dinner and prayed it wouldnt come back up :lol:

Oh and btw, you can have spag bowl with mice as long as its thoroughly cooked :D
Tasha in your sig it says conceived with Dong... am i being stupid or didnt we all :rotfl:
:rotfl: ah ha ha ha I nearly wet myself :rotfl:

Its Dong quai my dear :lol: just for the record :lol:
:rotfl: Oh god, you know I meant mince!

pg brain I tell yer! :lol:
I chose to throw up over the dishes in the sink rather than the floor as I couldnt be bothered to mop floor :oops: I also just got back from Asda where I bought 2 huge tubs of ice cream...rocky road and cookies and cream, a chicken tikka for tea tonight and have already had a Burger King today :oops:
:rotfl: :rotfl: oh my god, i nearly wet myself when I read that...I thought what's she on about mice?!!! hahaha!
HollyHobby said:

some recipes for rats and mice when youre on hard times :) that's where i've been going wrong...I didn't realise you had to pre-soak them for a few hours beforehand!!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I dare you to go into Sainsbury's and ask with a very serious face for:

6 mice parboiled, stripped, boned, chopped, seasoned.

:puke: :puke: :puke:
:lol: har har bloody har :lol:

I still cant believe I put that :lol:

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