second labour compared to first...


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2011
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hey ladies

those of you who have had more than one baba, how did your second labour compare to your first?

quicker, earlier, longer, more painful, easier, less stressful?

im expecting number 2 soon and so far the pregnancy has been a breeze, few panic moments but so far so good. just wondered how your second/third labours went?xx
Ooo good question !! I'd like to know this to , I hope you say shorter and Easyer please :)
My second one was quicker, with my first I was induced 2 weeks after due date I was started at 8am and had her at 7pm on night she was having breathing problems so had to have forceps to get her out quickly I then haemmorraged after and had to have blood transfusion. Second daughter was a breeze in comparison I was 2 days after due date but started off naturally.... I had a show about 3 days before then midwife gave me sweep a day after due date I then woke up day after around 7am and was contracting went to hospital at 11am and had her by 3pm no problems at all just a bit of a nasty tear but she was big baby so was too be expected. I'm due same day as you and this is my third and hoping 3rd babies are even quicker!! Haha xx
ah huni first one sounds quite scary :(

ive heard generally 2nd babies are a bit quicker. just hoping that's the case! i love hearing peoples labour stories! with my first i was contracting for days but silly cervix wasn't opening up, took 5 days of contractions every 5-10mins to get the little monkey out! just want to feel confident it wont happen again like that! x
OMG! 5 days!!! I think every labour is different so fingers crossed it will be a lot easier for you this time xx
yeah it was a nightmare, had a sweep n it started the contractions off but my cervix just wasn't ready so there was literally nothing the hospital would/could do. just had to ride it out. was awful, mentioned it to my mw this time and said i really don't want to be in that situation again and she said the chances are il have a pretty quick labour this time, she called it a long latent phase? so im just praying it doesn't happen again! x
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I had a 50 hour labour with James so odds are number two will be quicker (I hope!!)

2nd labour was much quicker and much more bearable. No need for an epi second time round!


Proud mummy of Seren 15 Nov 2010 & Bethan 12 Oct 2012
O god you poor lady's !! My first frm established labour was six hours .. I'm hopeing my second will be 3-4 hours as I'm on the raspberry leaf this time
Mine were quite similar in length, first 5 hours, second 4.5 hours. Both gas and air but was induced 9 days late with first and it all happened naturally with second 3 days early.

Tapatalking :-D Can't see tickers...
BbyBump are you taking it already? not sure whether to bother this time? xxxx
Yeh I started taking one a day started at 33 weeks was going to start at 35 but they were just sat there I'm not going to up it to two a day till 35 weeks then 3 a day 36 weeks 4 aday and so on .. They say 6 a day at the end
my first i was in labour over 24 hours, and i was a week over due. With my second i was induced on my due date I was only in labour for 4 and half hours and he was born 2 hours after his due date...but I had a few problems after giving birth to him unlike my daughter x x x
1st baby morning after due date ---1 hour 50 minutes gas and air only and little pain but stiches, 2nd baby 6 days overdue ---- 5 hours and no pain gas and air only no stitches. Prefered the second labour because it was less scary the first was too quick tbh, spent my second chatting to mw's and bouncing on a ball updating facebook! x
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My first baby I was overdue so was induced and was in labour 8 hours. Second baby I was 5 days late, in labour 1 hour 37 mins!!!
I was early with my first, 12 hour labour and an epi.
Second was 6 days late but 2 hour labour and only g&a
So much quicker but still painful - second was back to back though.

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
For me contractions started about 3am. Left for hospital around 7am. Baby born at around 8am. Nuff said! xxx
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Will be stalking this thread, as I cant help but keep wondering how this will compare to my first. 1st was a week early, natural labour, 16 hours. x
My first was 4 days early, started with waters breaking and was a back to back and a very long labour. I was put on drip to speed it up and ended up having an epidural. All in all in labour for over 30 hours !!
My second I was a week late. In labour for approx. 6 - 7 hours but was very intense and painful - I think because I only had gas & air this time.
My third came on due date and was much quicker - about 3 hours with only gas & air again.
With this one because it's been just over 9 years, I have no idea how it will go and whether my body will treat it like a first labour again !! I hope not but a couple of women I know have said their 4th labours were the worst :-/ xx
My first back to back in early labour for days then 5 hours established Los heart rate dropped so I had an episiotomy and a couple of pushes later he arrived my second first twinges at 6 am went to hospital at 1 pm to be told I'm not in full labour so went home, at 4pm head back to hospital 4:15 arrived, i was then checked told 5cm my waters then bulged she had to burst them due to maconium started running water for pool 5pm he was born.

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