Sea Bands. Do they help with nausea?

Gemma & Jake

Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2006
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Hi just wandering if any of you have tried sea bands which you wear on your wrists. They are supposed to work using acupressure. I have just ordered some as I have had really bad nausea for about four days now and I feel awful. I was just wandering if they actually work as I have 1 friend who said that they helped her.
hiya Gem

Although I never invested in any (I didn't really suffer from nausea) I have heard great reports from women who have used sea bands/ travel bands so hopefully they will do wonders for you too.

Hope they do the trick, theres nothing worse than feeling constantly sick!
I never used them either but that was because I heard they was crap.... I dont think they cost a lot maybe try them out for yourself....

I found just eating little bits every hour or so and making sure i was never hungry helped loads. The min I got hungry I would puke xxxx
I tried them, they didn't work at all, waste of money.

The only thing that worked for me was sickness pills. And also cutting out a few things that made me sick, like milky products...
They didn't work for me either but my friend said they helped her. If you are nauseous without being sick eating often, before you get hungry as K&B suggested really works. Hope you feel better really soon, its a horrible sympton, when I am sick I find it hard to even be excited. I am only just over 11 weeeks and fed up with being pregnant already!
I found they worked for me, not completely but helped. But then the next day after wearing them my sickness stopped. Not sure if it was the bands or it just stopped????!!! I just have ocassional waves that aren't bad at all.
i used these when i was desperatley wanted to not feel sick & ill anymore, spent £8 on them, couldn't wait to try them & ..........wore them for a week .....complete waste of time & money (for me anyway).
i have heard a few people saying they worked for them, give it a go.
I used preggie pops and preggie drops from They taste lovely and really work. Im starting to feel better now though, i had killer morning sickness but now its only a few times at night!
Hi Gemz

I really do feel for you as im having the same - i brought some of the bands and wore them all day friday,saturday and sunday - they did help a little bit but not that much,

What did help though was i spoke to a friend who is also pregnant with her 2nd and she said eat little and often and before you feel hungry - i know you probably don't want to eat but i made myself and it does help - i found myself at 6am this morning eating a bananna!!!!

Also at the hospital they told me that Pepsi can help something to do with the sugar and caffine - also ginger biscuits yuk but they did work.

Hope this helps

I want Dr Pepper everyday. But I have been told to not overdo it with caffeine. My sicky feeling has returned so i'm wearing my bands again and sucking on boiled sweets, helps loads.
Hi Gemz

I really do feel for you as im having the same - i brought some of the bands and wore them all day friday,saturday and sunday - they did help a little bit but not that much,

What did help though was i spoke to a friend who is also pregnant with her 2nd and she said eat little and often and before you feel hungry - i know you probably don't want to eat but i made myself and it does help - i found myself at 6am this morning eating a bananna!!!!

Also at the hospital they told me that Pepsi can help something to do with the sugar and caffine - also ginger biscuits yuk but they did work.

Hope this helps

any really, i had the little ones that are in the swizzles mix pack, cause i like fizzers and love hearts etc! plus you get a few lollies too (i'm such a kid!)
If boiled sweets work you can by preggie pop drops fom ebay. They are made of essential oils and are really popular in the US. They are sour flavoured and really tasty! Mine arrived in 3 days!

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