Screaming during labour


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2005
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I've just been watching a birth programme where the woman was screaming SO loud when she was in labour. It sounded more like howling!!

do you think many women get like this when they are in the final stages?
I normally tend to go quiet when i'm in pain and i can't imagine screaming like that! :shock:
I havent dealt with too much pain in my life, but i like you tend to be more quiet. Im so hoping that im not a screamer in labour LOL....but i guess its what is good for you, my MW said if your screaming then it could be put in to the effort of pushing.
Some of these programmes are so inspiring, but others are pure terror! saw a really nice one on home water birth the other day, made me feel positive.
Everyone is different and some people are different with different labours. I have had some women scream the place down (which is a shame as its a waste of energy) and others not make a sound.

I do find that most women go through what I call 'the mooing' stage during the transitional period where most of us will moan or 'moo' a bit when that urge to push starts to creep up on us.

Everyone is different and its hard to know how you will be - just go with however you feel, do whatever you feel and I promise you that even if you do make lots of noise they will have seen something worse!!!
When I was in early labour I was left alone in the labour room and I could hear the woman in the room opposite screaming her head off and it terrified me, but I never screamed I didn't have the energy for it :D
i screamed till my mum smaked me round the face and told me to concentrate - u can always count on her lol :D :D
Sarah_17 that's what my mum would do too, it was probably the best thing she could of done tho :wink:
I screamed a LOT and kept getting told off. I'm normally a really quiet person but I just didn't care. I felt it the next day though when my throat was really sore! Lol
My midwife always told me you can't scream and push at the same time. If you are sceaming you are not pushing to your best ability.

There was a woman screaming when i was having Jack, the midwife kept tutting- i asked Andy id it was me cos i was doped up on pethdaine i felt like i was floating!!

People handle pain differently :D
I was screaming like hell, lost my voice a bit the day after!!!!

But i got told off at the end because i was not concentrating on pushing!!!! Then i stopped and all my energy was in the pushing which made it more bearable than screaming funnily enough!!!
it's best to get it out instead of bottling it in, if thats what you need
i'd love to be a screamer! it sounds so liberating
doesnt seem fair you can get told off though... :?
I was screaming till they gave me gas and air but got told if I screamed I would regret it in the morning, so I just sucked on the gas and air SOOOOOOO hard I made myself sick!! :shock: :lol:
haha the woman on the telly sounded like she was howling at the moon and it was like her 6th child or something. :?

some births make you feel uneasy when you watch them and others make you think 'i can do it!'

do you think it's best to take it one stage at a time rather than trying to imagine what it will be like?
I screamed.. I really didn't want to, and I didn't with my first. I think it totally depend on your labour and what pain relief etc you have.
I went for 5cm to 10 in 40 minutes, so yes, it hurt like hell!
With my first I progressed a lot slower so it was easier to cope with.

The MW told me I would have a sore throat the next day but I thought "who cares!?" It didn't hurt the next day anyway.
ouch that was really quick urchin!!

the woman i saw was screaming for the whole of every contraction for about 4hours - it must have been really tiring for her!
eeek! I only screamed for about 20 mins, but at the time you just don't care anyway!
LOL before labour i said i wouldnt scream as its embarrasing!! lmao! But the pain took over and i did scream and didnt care at all who heard me!!!
I posted on here the other day about my midwife appointment. I wasnt scared of labour intil my last check-up, a lady came in to have her first baby and my midwife had to go and help carry her up the stairs. I was sat in the room all alone and all i could hear was her screaming, it made me feel sick. Then when the midwife came back she said did i feel ok 'you look pale' well go figure, why do you think that was!!!!!!!!! :shock:

Now i am pertrified and if i want to scream , i bloody will! Let them try and stop me....... :?
When I first got to the delivery suite and was waiting to be checked I could hear the woman in the room next to me howling like a wolf too. It freaked me out as it was so animal somehow (but then giving birth is really as your body takes over). When it came to me I didn't scream but when I was pushing I wanted to make loud grunting "oof" noises but my midwife and mum told me to put the need to make a noise into my pushing as it wastes energy. They had to keep reminding me but it really worked and I could tell that I could push harder when not making a noise (something to do with the air in your diaphragm pushing down...?). Anyway, it did seem to make a difference for me...?

I agree with you, screaming does not ease te pain unfortunately.

I would advise to everybody if you want to scream do it in the beginning but as soon as you can put all your energy in the pushing, it will make it less ainful and more effective.
Rosebay said:
They had to keep reminding me but it really worked and I could tell that I could push harder when not making a noise (something to do with the air in your diaphragm pushing down...?). Anyway, it did seem to make a difference for me...?

I found that. I thought i would be swearing at OH the lot, but I was really quiet until I was pushing her out and then I would make a mming noise and found that it really helped to get her out

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