Shes getting very nasty:(


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Where has my lovely girl gone :cry: Shes getting so nasty, hitting when she cant get her own way, winging everytime i wont pick her up, she had a huge paddy with my mum in asda the other dayi heard her all the way over the other side of the shop. Ive just put her down for her nap and shes screaming and growling at the same time, its horrid. I wouldnt mind but its just attention seeking as there are no tears in sight. What the hell do i do im at the end of my tether with her now :wall:
it's the start of the terrible two's I think, they are horrible spiteful little creatures when they want to be. I had a play pen for Paris and everytime she kicked off (big tantrums) I put her in there and left her to it.

Also when out I'd suggest just ignoring her, takes a few goes but she'll get the message that screaming just doesn't pay off!

:hug: :hug: :hug:
I've heard that bending down to her level and talking quietly can help as she has to be quiet to hear?
When stephen did this I would get down to his level (still do) and if he carries on and doesnt say sorry i put him in his travel cot - or thenaughty corner.

If you remove her mel dont put her in her bedroom as its meant to be a happy calm enviroment for her and she shouldnt assicate it as the place shes put when hes naughty.

Be very firm with her and let her know why she been put on the naughty corner and she should stay there until shes being nic and says sorry. :hug:
I agree with all the others! Brody has some monster tantrums already but I do find ignoring him or speaking to him calmly helps alot!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh yea Lucy is extremely skilled at this tactic. She goes for ages being well behaved and then all of a sudden everything is a battle.

There were 2 things we found that worked each depending on the situation at the time of the tantrum.

1) Warn her that if she does it again or doesn't stop then she will have to sit on the naughty spot/corner/step (depending where we are).

2) Warn her that we don't like hitting/etc. and that if she keeps doing it we won't play/cuddle/sit with her. Then if she doesn't stop or if she does it again we move to another seat in the room or walk away situation depending.
Kylie1007 said:
I've heard that bending down to her level and talking quietly can help as she has to be quiet to hear?

This is what i do with Thea.
I bend down to her level and talk her quietly. After telling her to stop whats shes doing i simply change the subject and talk to her about something else, like oh look at the flowers if we are outside. It works for us and it keeps me calmer too because i havent raised my voice.

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