Screaming for no apparent reason


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
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Not sure if this is the right section for this but im someone can move it for me if its wrong.

Basically Tally has only every got really upet in the car when she's ignored, the past few days she's started this full on purple in the face scream in the house too. I cant figure out whats wrong with her, shes doing it when i change her at night too and usually shes very good. I tried putting her down for 5 mins earlier so i could get ready at 30 secs later she was screaming and purple again.

It's always happening when shes been well fed and is clean, winding her doesnt make any difference and once she goes purple the only way to calm her is with boobie. She then seems to fuss on it and is hurting my nipple by trying to suck the very end when she comes off.

I'm also feeling really PMT'd atm, i've got all the symptoms that my period is about to start and because im extra tired and irritable i'm finding it hard to cope with her being like this, i wanna scream back at her but i know i cant, she looks scared even if i pick her up and am in a mood.

She put on 10oz last week so she must be getting enough milk as im worried this isdue to not getting enough, but even at 10pm they were dripping milk after she'd pulled off.

I dont understand it, she's usually so happy and cos im feeling shit myself i wonder if its all made 10 times worse by it all
i agree with Midna..could be colic. My Lo started with it at around 2/3 weeks old. Sounds silly but could she be tired? Violet is a nighmare when she's really tired and screams and screams...when she gets over tired it takes me ages to get her to sleep.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
It won't be food if she's already been fed! All babies cry for no reason sometimes, especially younger ones.

Tiredness is a biggie, and the dreaded COLIC (does she also pull her legs up to her chest and scream so hard she can't breathe?) xx
Yup could be colic.

FWIW putting her back on your boob once fed and full if screaming like that will only cause her more discomfort. Let her suck on your finger or try winding her for a fair few minutes. Give it time to come up.

I'd personally try giving her some Infacol (takes a few days to get into the system so stick with it) and give it before every feed. Makes all the little bubbles of air form into one big bubble thats easier to burp.

Also try different positions to wind her in.
If she is putting on 10oz in a week then she is deffo getting enough milk so don't worry about that!

It does sound familiar re colic. Luke was exactly the same. I hate to say it but dealing with colic is REALLY hard but it does end. It will feel like it will never stop at the time but it just seems to miraculously. Get some infacol/gripe water in and try that. Hope it works for you xxxxxx
Sounds like colic to me too- it's the worst thing ever!

Evie is over it now (she's 14 weeks and we've been colic free for almost a fortnight now! :cheer: ) but I used Infacol which definately helped. I also used a dummy but thats a personal choice.

I remember the HV telling me at 5 weeks that it got better around the 12 week mark and just thinking it would never end but it does. :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm going to try some of the infacol and see if it helps. I tried giving her a dummy and she doesnt seem to know how to keep it in her mouth, its only ever been successful in the car a few times.

I'm not sure if she's a little tired as well, she's been driving me up the walla being awake ALL day and moving bedtime back to past midnight. At least today i have managed to coax her in to having a nap and im praying it'll be a long one, she was fighting sleep the whole time.

She doesnt seem to pull her legs up when she's upset, but she can throw her arms and legs around a bit when she gets really worked up.
Give the infacol a go hun. It might work, it might not but you need to also know that it can take a week to work too xxxxx
I just wanted to give you these :hug: :hug: :hug:

Are you using a sling? Our LO was crying when she was tiny but calmed down when I put her in a sling (I had to walk or move around though).
Caitlyn did go through a very clingy phase and if i put her down she screamed, even when i was making her bottles, sometimes i just HAD to let her scream, it didnt do her any harm.

If it is the colicky stage, like the others have recommended, infacol or gripe water.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: I hope it gets better
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I know what you mean! Alban started this at 11 days old(he is 15 days now). We tried a dummy last night and it worked, but now he demands the dummy, so we have stoppped that!

We let him cry himself to sleep last night (only for 7 mins, any longer then 10mins and we will intervene) and he slept from 11.15pm-4.15pm which was the best yet!


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