Scrambled egg


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2005
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I am going to gove Ella scrambled egg for dinner, just a quick question, is it best to give it her on a spoon or let her feed herself.

On a spoon there is less mess and she will eat more as less goes on the floor

but If I let her feed herself it is better becuase she needs to develop thiese skills.

Anyone else tried scrambled egg?
Dior had scrambled egg at Ella's age she loved it. she had very messy napies though the first few times.
i fed her it on spoon though :)
it is hannahs favorite dinner she likes it with cheese in
why dont you give her it with toast she feeds her self the toast you spoon feed the egg? best of both then :D
i used to spoon feed Dior in the day then her dinner about 5/6pm she would feed herself as she got straight in the bath after anyway
yeh good idea coz she loves toast Ill spoon feed her less messy and let her eat the toast! Ella loves cheese so I think Ill grate some in it. Thanks girls :D
Ella loves scrambled egg aswell :D I normally spoonfeed her most of it as she can't quite get much in her mouth bless :D All good messy fun though :D
dont think she liked it :( But she was in a grumpy mood so think I will try her again tommorow. she ate a bit at first then went in a mood lol.
Awww poor Ella lol. My one gets grumpy if she has too many lumps of food in her mouth, she'll just sit and scream at me. It's her own bloody fault for putting a whole rice cake in there!!

I just gave Bernie crap on sunday for giving Kiara scrambled eggs...i thought they arent allowed egg white now i feel horrible and am confused with all these guidelines.
do you girls just scramble the egg yolk or the whole egg?
I scramle the whole egg for Jack, me and Davina were talking about this in another thread, there seems to be loads of conflicting advice out there
I scrambled some gorgeous free range eggs for Charlie tonight............She spat them in my face :roll: Charming. I will try again next week!

ya all these mixed things everyone tells me one site says yes the other no ahhh drives me mad, but she had it and nothing happened somust be fine
she loves it now! funny girl, she always seems to like things second time round! she likes it with cheese in yummy!
for the scrumbled egg, is it thw whole egg or just the yolk you are using?
I use the whole egg. They say not to when their under a year but I just make sure it's thoroughly cooked.
I use the whole egg and only Organic. I'm scared of any other eggs! :oops:

Emilia xx
I use the whole egg. They are from the field at the back of my mums house, freee range. They are totally delicous.
I give Lydia scrambled eggs all the time - she had some for breakfast this morning. I use the whole egg (I buy the ones with Omega 3 in for her).
She likes soft boiled eggs too with toasted soldiers to dip.
ooo I didnt know you could get eggs with omega 3 in it, thats good, will keep an eye out!
yeh although it annoys me that they aren't free range (I've not found any anyway) - silly really. But I figured a caged omega 3 egg might be somewhat better than a free range non-omega 3 egg lol.

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