Scottish Mums & Dads


Dec 15, 2008
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Hi all,

I just want to let you know that Natal Hypnotherapy Birth Preparation Courses are coming to Scotland for the First time :) Starting in Aberdeen in March.

On the Natal Hypnotherapy Birth Preparation Courses, Couples learn a range of tools and techniques including physical preparation, visualisation and hypnotherapy to help them prepare for their own birth. During the course the couple are given tools to help them overcome any fears of birth, to dramatically reduce the pain of childbirth, to feel relaxed and calm at all times, to increase their sense of control, to reduce the need for intervention/drugs so helping her to give birth to a calm baby and decrease the chance of postnatal depression.

In addition the course teaches birth partners all they need to know be supportive, calm and useful! They leave with a better understanding of the birthing process, having had the opportunity to discuss their concerns, fears and needs and knowing how to support and help her and how to work with the medical team. For more info visit

I retrained after my own 2 Natal Hypnotherapy births and decided to bring the courses to Scotland for the 1st time. My 1st baby was born in 3 1/2 hours despite being back to back and not turning during the labour. It was intense but soo beautiful, i felt totally calm and relaxed throughout. My 2nd son was born in 1 1/2 hours before the midwife arrived after an amazing pain free labour.

If anybody wants to know more, I would be happy to offer a discount code to pregnancy forum mums and dads for booking on the course.

I hope this is ok for me to post here, after my own experiences I just want as many people as possible know that there is an alternative to an anxious, extremely painful birth - it can be and should be a relaxed wonderful experience!

Charlie xxxx

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