School Starting Age

Personally, I believe that the ideal age of a child in going to school is at age 6 or 7. I also noticed that it is not advisable to sent kids to school early because we might be limiting their privilege to grow and develop under their good parenting skills.
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HI fi8rstliner, you raise an interesting point, our LO is 1 1/2 years old nearly and as we're moving house soon considering nursery places etc but at the same time I don't HAVE to put her in nursery as my husband works to pay the b8ills and Im currently stay at home mother. I see the benefits of adapting to social groups and more importantly being away from me as important more than the educational aspect but my hubby reckons enjoy the time with her until she starts school but I have grandparents saying that you dont want her confidence knocked if she's the only child tht hasnt done nursery when she starts school...tricky one...what are your thoughts? Our Lil madam is very sociable and not in the least bit shy so Im not concerned about her ability to adapt to change at all but want to do the right thing by her and if it sounds selfish, by myself too as I cant imagine going from 100% time with her to fulltime school...

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