Scary Christmas


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2005
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Well, after the false alarm just before Christmas, I woke up on Christmas Day unable to breathe :shock:

Stayed at home all day and hardly moved. Poor OH and I had sausages and mash for our Chrimbo lunch!

Called hospital in night as I couldn't breathe at all and was admitted with suspected embalism (sp?). Really scary. Been pumped full of blood-thinning medicines, on nebulisers and all sorts.

Finally had a CT scan today which was clear so NO blood clot. They think it was just a bad asthma attack!

So...back home again now!

Wow - this third tri is SOOOOooooo hard!

Also, being on labour ward is not ideal for controlling the old nerves. Some of those sounds I heard from the delivery suite....blimey!
Oh man that sounds like it was really frightening, I'm glad you're OK though. :hug:
((((((((((((Lucy))))))))))))) Poor you! I remember you posting elsewhere that your asthma had improved since you were pregnant (I think I could be wrong though!), so I'm really sorry to read this. Must have been awful for you, glad they kept an eye on you. Great news that you don't have a clot, and I really wish you all the best for the rest of 3rd tri - want you to have an easier time of it xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
you poor thing.... you must have felt dreadful........ how frightening for you....

so glad everything is okay now...... :hug:

get plenty of rest....... won't be long now before you can hold you darling baby
Oh Luce (((((hug))))))), you are having a total s**t time hunny.

It will soon be over, and you will be cuddling LO very soon xxx
Here's hoping you have a better time of it soon hun, nothing worse than feeling like crap :hug:
Thanks girls! Feeling much better today and so happy to be home!
It was so scary and I was so worried about my little bundle. Wasn't too happy about having to have a CT scan with him on board but they said that it was low-dose radiation and that babies in neo-natal have chest x-rays at an even earlier stage so not to worry.

They tell you the only thing you can take in pregnancy is paracetamol until you get in to the hospital and then they seem to pump you full of anything and everything!
Oh hunny, I do hope things start to perk up for you in the last few weeks, you have had a real run of bad luck!!!!

Keep your chin up :D
:shock: how scary lucy you poor thing.

i hope baby behaves for the last little stint, take it easy xx :hug:

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