Scared its all ending ...

I'm fed up of worrying about every little sign, today my BB's don't feel as big and the veins don't look as prominant .. although they are still sore - not as sore! Plus I haven't been sick today!

I know I shouldn't be worrying so much - I can't help it! I've read online symptoms can fluctuate even throughout the day - so i'm just hoping that it is that!

Awww i know how it is hun...I was the same...I think I got a bit better by about 8 weeks as I'd read that your chance of miscarriage really drops if you reach 8 weeks, I am only now really beginning to relax into my pregnancy! Yes symptoms certainly do come and go hun - I never had sickness at all, but I could always tell when a new batch of hormones came flooding into me cause my mood went crazy, then I'd settle down for a day or 2, then another flood would arrive. xx
BBs are back to being vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv sore again now, and ive had backache and a few cramps (plus lots of cm tmi???) tonight! I can't win - I'm not happy when theres no symptoms then moaning when there are LOL!

Roll on week 12!

Just catching up on this thread and it is great news!!! And here here Bunny, know where you are with that comment lol xx
Update - last two days been very sick!

Thought i'd done alright tonight had tea around 6pm, but no about 7.15 back it all came - oh the fun! Thing is i'm really hungry and wanting different foods again now!!!

Well that's good news in a weird way! When I m/c my symptoms disappeared over night and I just didn't feel pregnant anymore! I know every woman is different but if you're feeling dog-rough i'm sure that's a positive sign that your hormones are on the up. Hope all stays well with you Bunny xxx
Thanks - had a bit more brown discharge early this morning - so have felt scared again today, plus have cramps and bad back ache today - but i have been sick again this evening!!!

Hope you are feeling a bit better now hun! Won't be long until your 12 week scan xxx

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