scared I may be losing baby :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2011
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Hi I'm new here so I hope I've put this in the right area.

I had some spotting a couple of weeks ago and was sent for an emergency scan. They found a heartbeat and dated me at 7+3. Sent me on my way saying everything was fine.

Saturday I started bleeding again, proper bright pink blood, although I didn't overly worry too much as it wasn't enough to soak a panty liner.
A couple of hours later I went to the loo and found a long dark sticky thin clot just sitting on the pad (sorry TMI). Since losing that clot the bleeding went to very light spotting. Then saturday night I lost another clot this one was alot smaller than the first but was pale in colour with white streaks through it.
Since then I have had no blood loss at all.

I'm off for a scan tomorrow to see what is going on. But it's really messing with my head wondering if I am going to be around 9 weeks pregnant, or not at all anymore.

Just wondered wether anyone has had anything similar and what the outcome ended up being x
Spotting or bleeding in early pregnancy is awful and very stressful. The same happened to my lovely friend she has had two quite heavy bleeds. One at 7wks and another at 14wks. All was fine and she is now 4weeks away from her due date.

Be thinking of you tomorrow. xx
fingers crossed for you for tomorrow, hope all is well with u and bubba xx
i know im from Tri 2 but i culdnt help but read, ive not had any bleeding myself but i didnt want to read and move on so just wanted to say i have my fingers crossed all is well with the baby!
Hiya I've had 2 lots of bleeding at 7 weeks and 12 weeks, quite significant amounts both times but my Bubs is absolutely fine and the cause of the bleed remains unexplained!

Had spoken to lots of women who have this throughout their pregnancy but they go on to have healthy happy babies!!

Hope your scan tomorrow goes well xx
Ah I hope it goes well fingers crossed for you xxx
Good luck with the baby Hun xx I'm 15 weeks with twins and had 2 big bleeds and iv got a small blood clot in the sack it's not arm
To babies but has to bleed out.
They said it's something they see regulary and not to worry as it's position poses no threat to babies xxx hope that helps.
They may find a small clot on ur scan xx
Wishing you all the best for tomorrow... Fingers crossed all goes well. xx
aww, im sorry you have been through lots of stress. I know that my sister in law had bleeding with 2 of her pregnancies, quite significant bleeds, but all was fine and she now has 3 gorgeous children. Best of luck to you tomorrow x x x
Didnt want to just read and run - hope everything is ok. Best of luck. xxx
i hope everything is ok for you hun x let us all know finges crossed for you xxxx

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