Scared and Lonely, advice??


Aug 21, 2011
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Hi everyone, just wondering if anyones got any tips on making me feel less blue atm?? I cant stop crying! I'm now 20 and 7 weeks pregnant, I miscarried at 5 weeks in August, so this was really unexpected, unfortunately I fell pregnant from a one night stand, despite using a condom, please don't call me a slut! I'm actually over the moon, and decided this time to tell the father and my mum straight away to try and reduce stress and not risk loosing the baby again, except neither of them want me to keep the baby. I've accepted i've got to do it all on my own, just feel very scared and daunted, and hoping someone can offer me some supportive words!! x
It's understandable to feel the way you do. Good on you for listening to your heart. You will be absolutely fine and your mum will come round in time I'm sure.
You will get lots of support here xxx

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hey hun
first of all, congratulations :)

it is ultimatley you're choice what you want to do, no one else's, there are loads of people that can help throughout you're pregnancy, like the midwife, and later on, classes.
there are lots of single mum's these days, i have a few friends that are, and although it's difficult, it is possible!
its also tough going to scans and things on your own, ive had to have one already, and i was teriffied to be by myself, but a nurse came in and held my hand and the sonographer was lovely.
you are not a slut, and im sure no one will think of you that way.
im in a scarily similar situation to you, if you would like to chat or anything, just pm me, im not sure how much practical advice i will be able to give, but ill always be here for support
in the same position as you hun so any help wud be great xx
I know loads of people who got pregnant after a one night stand so don;t panic noone will call you a slut here.

It's up to you what you want to do and noone else its your body :), your mum will come around to the idea don't worry...
It's nice to know other people are in the same situation, well not nice, obviously this isn't the ideal, but it's so easy to feel like you are the only person in the world going through it! I'm lucky that my two best friends have already offered to come to scans etc with me, and one has even asked to be at the birth!
I'm glad I found this to be able to talk through my worries with other people. When did you have your first scan unsure? x
i had an early scan last week, but only beause they thought there were problems. i have another one on thursday to check things over :)

my first 'proper' scan is the 28th December, the 12 week one.

its good that you're friends are being supportive, that must be really reassuring :)
i had an early scan last week, but only beause they thought there were problems. i have another one on thursday to check things over :)

my first 'proper' scan is the 28th December, the 12 week one.

its good that you're friends are being supportive, that must be really reassuring :)

I hope everythings ok though?? Could you see much? I can't wait for mine, it's such an exciting time, so i'm dead happy one minute, and crying the next! Feel so emotional. Guess this is what it's going to be like for the next 7/8 months!!
she didnt show me the screen, and i was just sooo happy that everything was ok, i didnt think to ask!
pictures are like, £6 apparently, when my friend was pregnant in '98, it was £2!
i wouldnt care if its £20, im getting one next time! lol

im exactly the same with the emotions! pregnancy hormones+ borderline personality disorder= rather extreme mood swings! :p

are you getting any other symptoms, i constantly feel nauseous and tired, but have not yet been sick!
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hey! congratulations on your pregnancy. dont worry, no one on here will call you a slut. and i definitely didnt think it when i read it. i guarentee you lots of us on here have had one night stands in our time! so no judgement! alot of us are lucky enough to have fell pregnant to people we love, but sometimes life just has other plans for us. im sorry to hear you had a miscarriage before, but just think, youve got a healthy baby on the way now. what nicer thing to happen to you? :) im sure it will be hard going, but you will always have your baby and your baby will always have you, and that is special. cosmicgirl is right, i guarentee your mum comes round in time too. especially when she sees her little grandchild. good luck, and remember theres always people to talk to on here xxx

Make a pregnancy ticker
i know this is harsh, but i told my mum, its gain a grandchild, or lose a child. simple as.
she is getting a little better, she talks to me now, but still ignores the fact im pregnant.
Unsure, i'm getting major sickness in the mornings, and evenings! Plus feeling really nauseous, my boobs are so sore and heavy, i'm massively bloated and constipated, lovely I know! I hope it gets easier soon! Having loads of bad nights sleep too, and a few tummy cramps. I know what you mean about the scans, i'd pay anything!

Thanks Littlesmoosh, i've actualy just spoke to my mum again, she's just saying she wants me to be happy, think shes getting over the shock now! x
i was in someone else's (very clean) car today coming back from a meeting, i think he is the manager of where i live and i was with my 2 keyworkers who were trying to talk to me and i was like, 'im not talking, im not moving, i think im gonna throw up!' but i didnt. lol. thank goodness! that would have been awkward.
first trimester is the worst, apparently!
I had pretty much the same thing at work, I was serving a customer who stunk of cigerattes and I started heaving! Unfortunately I had to run to the toilet and throw my guts up!
aw, that sucks :(

the smell of cigarettes makes me feel sick now. and the smell of most foods.
really annoying...
Hey dont worry im in the same position i m/c last year i was with my long term bf at the time and it would have been a perfect situation. Im 8 weeks now and it was a 1 night stand. The baby daddy couldnt be a worse guy and has begged and begged me to get rid of "it". i feel v guilty alot as i feel like im being selfish, but i think it was ment to happen and who am i to get rid of a child. i think your mum will come round. it will be hard at times and im scared and get down about it but its all so new atm so give it time :) xxxx
my mum is in denial despite all the letters for scans and appointments arriving at her house and she knows what they are, shes made snidy comments like "i just wanted the best for you" etc etc but as ive been told show her a scan picture and she should be fine i mean who can reisist a little baby lol.
im hoping shell come round but its like said above gain a grandchild or lose a child i know what shed want deep down, just a shock for her.
Life has a funny way of working sometimes and its right who are we to get rid of a child just my views anyways x
hey hunny good on you for going for what you want , I got pregnant with my little girl from a one night stand i was 25 and she was my third baby and boy was everyone mad mum thought it was discusting and that i should have known better and everyone pretty much ignored the fact that i was pregnant towards the end though they came round and once babe was born they loved her as much as my two boys.

stick to your guns sweetie you can do it alone and to be honest there is times when i have been a single parent and times when i havent and sometimes being a single parent is actually easier

hugs hun were all here if you need to talk

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