Scan tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2010
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I have my early private scan tomorrow at 2pm and I am terrified, PLEASE can I ask you to say a little prayer for me, I need to see a little heartbeat this time.
Best of luck fir your scan, I'll have you in my prayers. How many weeks are you?
Thank you so much girls xx

Frankie I am 6weeks and ?days lol, I think I will be 6weeks and 4 days tomorrow, but could be less by a couple of days xxx
Ill say lots of prayers tonight for you hun. Im sure that everything will be absoloutly fine xxx
Thank you so much NatEvz xxx

I cant stop crying, I dont know what is wrong with me:roll: xxxx
Good luck tomorrow jody, I'll say a prayer for you! It'll all be fine! Xx
Good luck jody, but remember not to get worried if there isnt a heartbeat..... its not always visible....that what my EPU kept telling me! :D Good Luck will be thinking of you tomorrow xxx
I am sure everything will be fine hun, FX for you and jellybean :D xx
Thinking of you hun send me a pm when you have had your scan but im sure everything will be fine keep postive x
WOW What a fab response for a newbie like me, I am really grateful, thank you so much, you have no idea what it means to me
Jody xxxxxx

I will let you know as soon as I get home, it will be gone 7pm xxxx
Best of luck Sweetheart..... i know how terrifying it must be xxxxxxx

Everything crossed for you and bean xxxxxx
I'm just as scared but fingers crossed for u hun
Really hope that everything has gone well for you hun xxx

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