Scan tomorrow

aww thanks so much, its so nice to have the support on here :), was opting for medical management as i didnt want any damage from having another d&c but apparantly they don't scrap anymore just a little suction or something so the nurse said theres no reason why we can't try again right away!, but she wants me to wait and have one period so they can date me next time..... erm yeah right will be trying asap! hop u all have healthy and happy pregnancys xx
So sorry chick (hugs).

A d&c seems really brutal but after mine my consultant said a fertalised egg likes nothing more than a fresh clear womb and its a perfect environment for it to thrive. I know its no condolence for your loss but it made me feel better to hear that my body would be welcoming for a baby. All the best babes hope your back very soon xxxxxxxxxx
I'm so sorry sorry to hear about your loss, xx

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