Scan tomorrow - so so nervous


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2010
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Well I've got my 20 week scan tomorrow. Am so nervous. How long will we be in there? What will they be checking? I've got all my fingers and toes crossed everything will be ok xx

I've not got there myself yet, so can't answer your questions, but just wanted to say good luck, I am sure everything will be great for you! Enjoy x
Me too but just wanted to wish you all the best! Try to relax and enjoy!!
Hi hun mine was about 15 to 20 mins as they check bones and heart etc (if u have someone nice like we did she talked it through as she did the checks). Then at the end they asked if we wanted to know the sex which we did. Have fun and enjoy!
Ohh good luck jacki :) it is amazing! I think mine lasted about 20 minutes, they check everything and look at things in great detail, they check the heart, bladder, stomach, diaphram(sp?), the size of the tummy are, size of the head, they check the brain, they zoom in and out on baba's face, basically everything!! The nurse told us what she was doing and explained things to us :). oh and they check the placenta.

Will you be finding out what team you are on hun? :) x x x
Hey good luck; they check length of baby, size of head etc etc; is an amazing scan, make the most of it as it is the last NHS one you get, you get a picture too!!

Hope all goes well x
they check to see if baby is growing fine good luck i cannot wait to have mine :)
ah thanks ladies, i'm just a bit nervous and hoping baby is growing ok and there's no problems. Scan not til 3.55 either and in work til then x
Good luck hun, they measure everything. with My last child i had 5 scans between 20 & 22 weeks because he always stayed in a ball and they had to do the measurements x
Thanks ladies, it was amazing. The babs is perfect in every way. Was sat up with its legs underneath it, like kneeling and its head up towards my ribs. Seen little one yawn, wave, was wriggling the whole time. Roll on 19 weeks so can meet them properly x
Aww good to hear things went well and baba is doing well :).
You on team yellow hun? xx
Yes Team Yellow. I resisted the temptation to find out x

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