Scan today....Rant :(


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
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Hey all I had my booking in scan today. I had already got a scan on the 30th June cause I had kidney stones and they told me I was 12+6. Then today went over for my appointment at 10:30 and didnt get seen till 1pm!!

There was a girl who came in after me that I heard someone say she told the MW she was sick eventhough she was outside smoking, and she got pushed up the queue. Then finally got seen, they measured the baby, ( it was all curled up) and said he was 13+3. I told her about the scan I had already had and she said that as she had checked it a few times and I didnt have the other pics as evidence that she was listing me as 13+3. So Im back a week :( then the pics she gave me had the measuring line through them so you cant even see the baby. Ive been in such bad form since. Like we were really happy to see the baby, but she didnt take her time like I had with my first. Eventhough we were made to wait 2 and a half hours. Ive got to go back in 5 weeks time as Ive had treatment for CIN 3 cells twice (most recent was end of jan) and they are going to check the length of the cervix to see if I'll need a stitch.

Has anyone ever been put back? I know its silly as its only a week, but I really was excited thinking Im 15 weeks this fri when now I'm 14 Again, and Im as big as a house :( xxxx
Awww sorry you had a bad scan! I was put back originally a week which gutted me! You'll soon catch up tho!
Thanks pinky, I was in such good mood before the scan too and felt like things were moving along rightly, now it feels like Im going backwards instead of forwards. I know that sounds silly and I should just be happy that it seemed healthy and happy :) now I have to change my ticker too :( xxx
I wasn't put back hun but I can see your annoyance about the waiting times and the pic... at my 12 week scan my appointment was at 11 and I didn't get seen until 1.30pm. When I did get seen they just did a quick 5 min check, everythings fine, and they gave me a pic with the measuring line on too. I hope you're feeling a bit better now xx
Sorry to hear it didn't go as well as hoped! It's too bad they were so rushed. It's good that the baby is doing well though, even if you will be pregnant for another week or so!
Sorry to hear u had such a rough time :( and the fact the pregnant smoker got seen quicker because she was 'sick' mustnt have helped :hug:

I had cin3 treatment too and needed an internal scan at my 20w scan to check the length of my cervix..

I also had a rushed 2nd 20w scan (they couldnt see everything they needed) and its not nice at all.. im sorry you had to go through that :(

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