Scan today - high nuchal measurement


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2018
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So I had my scan today. Wasn't as exciting as expected when the focus was on the nuchallenge fold measurement, which was nearly 5mm. Now it's all focused on what will happen next. I want to feel excited but yet again, I'm worried and waiting.
Oh puglover I’m assuming that’s on the high side, assuming you’ve had blood taken so you’ll have the results in a week or so.

As my MIL says don’t worry about what you can’t change (easier said than done when it’s a little one you’re growing)

Lots of hugs though :hugs:
Have they given you the number of a specialist screening midwife that you could talk to?
Hi, a high fold measurement doesn't guarantee something is wrong. Try not to stress until your bloodowork is back (easier said than done, I know). There was a lady on here panicking a while ago as her baby had a 9mm fold. Her baby was 100% fine. Hopefully yours is too. x
There was a woman on here who got a 7mm measurement and everything was 100% fine. I know it’s worrisome but it’s still likely everything is ok. What’s the next step?
Thank you everyone. I spoke with a screening midwife who was lovely. The next step is to wait for blood resilts, then we may opt for the non invasive Harmony test which gives something like 99% for Downs, Edwards and Patau.
I definately recommend the NIPT. We had to have it x
I think next time I'll get the harmony test whether I need to or not as you can do it earlier than the bloodwork for the nuchal test and it's more accurate. Would've saved me worrying for a week after my scan!! Plus they can tell baby's gender which is a nice little bonus.
So I just had the bloods taken for the Harmony test. Our chance of Downs is 1:20 and the other 1:148.
Now it's a waiting game until end next week. We had a shock when they offered the gender reveal also. Didn't expect that so soon.
Thanks Loula, was all ok for

Thankfully yes every was fine. Our chance we 1:91. How are you feeling?
Our resukts were back in 5 days so hopefully you don't have to wait long x
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I dont have anything to add on screening, but I do have an awesome little boy who has Down's Syndrome. So I just wanted to pop on and let you know that if it comes to that (or anyone else in the same position who has found this thread) then I am here to offer support, advice, information to anyone who wants or needs it.

I find screening chats quite difficult so I won't be following too closely but please do feel free to Pm me any time
Thank you so much Chase.

Loula - I'm feeling like all is on hold until we know more. I know my husband feels very different to me, so that is what I am struggling with now. I am pleased to hear your results were quick.
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Thank you so much Chase.

Loula - I'm feeling like all is on hold until we know more. I know my husband feels very different to me, so that is what I am struggling with now. I am pleased to hear your results were quick.

What your feeling is totally normal.
Those 5 days felt like the longest 5 days. We had an appointment with the screening team on the Tuesday and didn't have our scan and test until the Sunday so another 5 days. 10 days in total in which me and my partner didn't want to talk about it, we both however did have the same views. It's a time where your in such limbo
Thank you so much Chase.

Loula - I'm feeling like all is on hold until we know more. I know my husband feels very different to me, so that is what I am struggling with now. I am pleased to hear your results were quick.

What your feeling is totally normal.
Those 5 days felt like the longest 5 days. We had an appointment with the screening team on the Tuesday and didn't have our scan and test until the Sunday so another 5 days. 10 days in total in which me and my partner didn't want to talk about it, we both however did have the same views. It's a time where your in such limbo

Thanks Loula. I guess it's one step at a time, and the whole journey will be a tense wait, wondering what is next.
Just to update, our results came thorough and we are now low risk. We are so very happy and feel a little less worried. Thanks for your support here.
Yay! Thank you for the update. Bet that’s a load off your mind x
Glad you got the results you wanted x
P.S We have the gender in a sealed envelope......too tempting.

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