scan soon **PICS ADDED**


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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just about to leave
hoping all is fine with "baby llama"
hopefully will get my bloods done aswell
and how hard is it to pee in those little tubes!!!!
manda xx
I was just thinking about you Manda.
Good luck.. tho you would have gone already now.

Hope it all went ok..

Apparenlty I'm meant to be over in Tri I'm 13 weeks and 2 days... so I'd best get going..
Will check back in a bit

Hope it all goes well let us know how you get on x x x
Good luck manda, hope everything goes well for you :hug:

I'm thinking of you wishing you all the best. Will be checking in loads to se when you get back.

P.S - Congrats Susie on making it to second tri. :cheer:
scan went really well but im not happy with a few things
1: the baby has hubbys nose already the thing i really dint want it to have :lol:
2: they have put me back a week :(
3: the 2 pics are crap i had a trainee scanner and she couldnt take very good pics
but baby is hugly healthy all snuggled up so they couldnt messure her properly but they put me at 11 weeks 2 days so il be here a while yet still
heart was poundly loads and baby was doing flips again :D
so not a bad time got my next appt for 13th november
manda xx

p.s will try and get pics on pc somehow
Brilliant Manda, so glad all went well. Baby sounds very happy there in your tummy :D Can't wait to see your pics.

Yippee :dance:

Good to hear all is fine and dandy in there.


Awwwwwwwwww!! How sweet!! Little baby llama has grown loads in 2weeks.

Whens your next scan babe?

x x x
13th november now hun
am trying to sort ticker oyt but the site is on a mad one :)
manda xx
That's about the best sight I've seen all day!! After all you had to go through to get the scans I'm so chuffed everything is fine. It won't be long now before you're in tri 3 - I bet now you know llama is safe and sound the week or two flies by!

I'll get a chair by the fire ready....
You should be really pleased with those pics! I think the bottom one is fab!!! :D
thanks all
yep just knowing that tri 2 is only round the corner a bit father away then first thought though makes me feel soo much better
those 2 pics are ok bt she wouldnt take a pic of what i wanted which was the baby in the air even though she had it on a still shot :evil:
never mind though only 5 weeks till my next one :D
manda xx
Lovely pics, so glad all is well for you xx
They're great pics Manda :cheer: ....bum to you being put back...thought u were gonna be in Tri 2 with me soon! :( :hug:

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