scan results- strange goings on?!


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2008
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Hi all

I went for my 9 week scan last week and baby only measured 6 weeks with no heartbeat present. We were told to expect the worst and prepare for mc as baby had stopped growing but I insisted on another scan in a week.

I went for the scan yesterday and baby has a heartbeat!!! And is measuring 7 weeks now so grown the right amount in a week!!! Naturally I cried my eyes out as we were reply expecting bad news but now were soooo pleased.

My question- how can I be dated at 7 weeks when I got a bfp on digi on 1st jan?! Admittedly I was only 10dpo then but I would need to be at least 10 weeks now wouldn't I?

Anyone know what is happening?!! Xxxxx thanks in advance!
first of all i'm absolutely chuffed that you've got yourself a heartbeat :cheer:

but don't forget, maybe your baby implanted later, was fertilised later and developed more slowly than you thought.

they don't all follow the perfect pattern, some may take a while to find a suitable implantation site, some may take a little longer to form the neural tube or start their heart beating etc. So it might just be that you have a late bloomer in there.

I'm so pleased you got good news this time around :D
How very strange but I'm so pleased that all is well with your little one. Thank god you asked for a 2nd scan.

You must be so relieved....time for a celebration me thinks!! :cheer: :cheer:
yey for the heartbeat! That must have been a terrible week for you so glad its worked out ok.

When I had my early scan I was dated a week earlier than I thought I was...scratched my head about how that could be but as buddabun has said, every baby works at their own cant rush perfection you know!!!
ThAnkyou everyone for your replies and best wishes. It really was a horrible week of waiting but all seems worth it now!

Got another scan in 2 weeks to check all is progressing at the right speed, fingers crossed I've got a fighter in there!!! Xxx
It could be that 2 eggs fertilized and implanted at different times. It has happened, although very rare. The main thing is that everything is ok now, good luck with the next 7 months!
so relieved for you that u found a heartbeat! :hug: wish i could answer ur question tho- gosh, thats a puzzle! :think:

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