Scan on thursday

Nurse 26

Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2010
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Scan has been brought forward to thursday instead of a week monday. I guess we will be able to decide what to do after that:roll:

I know Dr is going to try get me to have D&C again as they are concerned that there will be alot of bleeding, she said if the bleeding starts on its own i have to go straight to the hospital Think i'm going to opt for medical this time though.

What a crap week its going to be.

Sorry for the doom and gloom post ladies!

awwww hon...dont you worry about doom and gloom, you are allowed to be's such an awful thing to be happening...

we are all here for you though....

Oh honey, you do whatever is best for you and not what the hospital want. Big hugs to you! Im sorry and you will be in my thoughts! Take care of yourself!
hope you are ok hunny, sounds horrible and like samsgirl says don't worry about doom and gloom.

i suppose in a way them bringing it forward means less time feeling uncertain - and as we said before, you never know, miracles can happen xxxxxxxxxx
Massive hugs to you nurse26. At least you will have your answer quicker now. I know for me the worst part of all this was the hanging in limbo aspect of not knowing what was happening. But then I would get cross with myself for not giving the bean a chance iyswim?

I know how awful all the waiting is, but there is still a chance that things will come good. The woman did say to me that nothing surprises her in this job because miracles do happen. So I am sending positive thoughts and vibes to you and praying for a happy outcome for you xxxx
Massive :hugs: sweetie. Glad you will get answers sooner, im am praying for good news for you and you wont need to make any choices like you are saying. Im thinking of you and your OH and if you need anything just give me a shout x x

Your in my thought nurse. I hope everything goes aswell as it can in such a difficult situation.

Oh Nurse.......such an awful situation......hoping and praying for miracles for you both xx
you'll be in my thoughts tomorrow, hopefully you'll get you little miracle and won't need to be making these difficult decisions.
Praying for little miracles Nurse. xxx
Thank ladies, lovely of you all to think of me. xx
Oh nurse hon, my thoughts are with you and I hope it all goes okay tommorrow, that's good they have brought things forward. Ultimately it's your decision what you go with at the end of the day, they can only advise so go with whichever you feel most comfortable with :hugs:x x x
Hoping and praying that all is well for you tomoro. Sending you loads of :hug: Hun xxx
Hoping for 2 wee miracles Nurse! Good Luck!
will be thinking of u tomorrow xxxxxxxxx
Hi Nurse, I will be praying that everything goes well for you, want to wish you all the best xx
Hi Nurse, just wanted to wish you the best for tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you. No need to be sorry for the doom and gloom we all understand and are amazed at how strong you are being.
You will be in my thoughts hunnie, we are all here for you xx
will be thinkign about you tomorow my lovely xx

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