Scan Day Today


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2010
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So got my 20 week scan today at 12pm.

Up until this morning I was looking forward to it but now I am scared.

I know I am just being irrational and I have already been told by the midwife that I don't need to worry but I can't help it...everyone else on here seems to have very active babies who make their presence known to mama, mine is the opposite and I worry there is something wrong.

I have had some occasional flutterings for the last few weeks and I have got visibly bigger so baba is clearly growing but I have yet to feel the amazing right or left hook of my little one. It is my first baby and I have been told that my placenta is in a place that can make feeling baby movements difficult early on but surely by now I should have felt something more concrete than a few flutterings.

Urgh Im so annoyed that I have given in to the negative feelings (again), I was doing so well until I woke up this morning. Please please please let the scan be fine and show baby wriggling away like a good un and let all my paranoia be in my mental head and completely unfounded...thank you!

Wish me luck!
A lot of people seem to worry before their scan and so far I've not seen anyone that should have been worrying at all and it's been completely unfounded out of nerves. It's natural to be worried. Once you're in there you'll be seeing the baby in no time and it'll be brilliant.
I hope you enjoy it and show us some pictures later :)
Good luck!
aww Sazzle you will be fine! I have hardly felt any movements from my LO since last Sat night! and it had been very active before that. We dont need to worry about feeling movements until 28 weeks.

just relax and enjoy, its SO much better than the first scan, its just amazing! good luck and cant wait to see the pics. xx
Its all ok! Baby is fine and its mama is just a nutjob!

I'm so thrilled to have seen baba again, it was fantastic! The women doing the U/S were lovely and we actually know one of them as we are friends with her son which was nice as she was so kind about my mental worrying! They said baby was very well behaved and very photogenic (very unlike its mama and papa!) and the photos from our scan were the best they had had all day (I bet they say that to all the girls...!) Baba even gave us a wave just to say hello and much to its daddy's annoyance it was sitting like its mama...legs crossed and tucked up!

We stayed team yellow...I am pleased we did even if it makes it tricky to decide on names and buy gender specific stuff, im such a big kid at heart that I love surprises so think it will all be worth it!

Have attached one of the scan pics we got...Baby R at 20+4.


  • baby rogerson3.jpg
    baby rogerson3.jpg
    65.8 KB · Views: 10
Lovely pic, does look like a poser! And congrats on staying team yellow! xxx
Thanks! That's exactly what the sonographers said...'you have a proper little poser there!'

gorgeous!! what a cute little nose. That is such a good pic.

really glad everything was ok, and well done for staying team yellow. Team yellow ROCKS! xxx

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