Scan Date....Annoyed slightly

Suzzi I'm 34 and high BMI so thought I'd have had mine sooner but they said they're so busy with nucal scans hence my long wait. I did pay for a private one though to put my mind at rest a bit but now I'm worrying again. I'm sure you'll know more when you've seen the midwife :) x
OMG how did you manage to get an earlier scan?? They were having none of it with me : (
I just rang up and said I was wondering if you could change my appointment to the week before as Im off work that week on holiday. She said I doubt it as with it being a nucal scan were so full till end of May. Anyway, she had a look and said it HAS to be on a Friday because of the consultant Im booked in with. Then she came back on the phone and said there was 1 last appoinment on Friday 13th at 9am so I took it :)

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