scan + consultant appointment

Dragonfly Fi

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2010
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Well i had my scan today, i am 9 weeks exactly which is fine glad of the extra preparation time to be honest :) And we can spoil Jasper rotten over Christmas as i am not due until the 19th Jan

They pointed out that i have a large cyst on my ovary, its the same size and in the same place as it was last time and so they feel it may not have ever gone away... The consultant was quite amazed that no one had arranged a plan of action towards getting it sorted after my last pregnancy but there we go!

So there is that... They have put me on Delta-Parin for the whole pregnancy and six weeks afterwards and i have to have it twice a day :S So thats daily stomach injections for me! Yay

The baby seems fine, strong heartbeat so thats a relief, was just a very long appointment with lots of elements and different people and getting prescriptions and having talks about housing and all sorts of things... it was manic!

Next scan at 20 weeks so have a while to chill until that...

Was cool to see the baby but i am worried about the cyst, i really dont want surgery :(
Glad the scan went well, I'm sure they'll keep a close eye on that cyst x
Bummer about the injections but big YEY! for the strong heart beat!!

Hope that cyst behaves itself and doesn't give you too much grief x
congrats!! i had a cyst and mine went during preg, it wasnt v pleasant but went away by itself hope same happens u this time xxx
Glad to hear ur scan went well is there any pics for us addicts on here :) lol xx
They have put me on Delta-Parin for the whole pregnancy and six weeks afterwards and i have to have it twice a day :S So thats daily stomach injections for me! Yay

Sorry to jump in on a tri 1 post but I've been on the Delta-Parin injections since 7 weeks pg and have to have them until baby is 6 weeks too! your the first person I've found on here who is also having them!!! yey I have someone to moan to!!!! Cant believe your on it twice a day! I am lucky I am on quite a high dosage but only once a day

they are a total pain in the a$$ to be honest as they are really bloody painful, best advice I have is to make sure you change the injection site and let it heal as it gets so sore and bruised, I do it in my thighs as well as tummy and just rotate round so each site gets 3 days to heal, but as my bump is getting bigger and tighter I am less inclined to use my tummy, as it works better in fatty bits that you can grab an inch of!! Also pressing down on the site with a tissue for 2 mins afterwards reduces the bruising, but dont rub or pat it as you'll get a huge bruise!!! If you want any advice give me a shout xxxx
They have put me on Delta-Parin for the whole pregnancy and six weeks afterwards and i have to have it twice a day :S So thats daily stomach injections for me! Yay

Sorry to jump in on a tri 1 post but I've been on the Delta-Parin injections since 7 weeks pg and have to have them until baby is 6 weeks too! your the first person I've found on here who is also having them!!! yey I have someone to moan to!!!! Cant believe your on it twice a day! I am lucky I am on quite a high dosage but only once a day

they are a total pain in the a$$ to be honest as they are really bloody painful, best advice I have is to make sure you change the injection site and let it heal as it gets so sore and bruised, I do it in my thighs as well as tummy and just rotate round so each site gets 3 days to heal, but as my bump is getting bigger and tighter I am less inclined to use my tummy, as it works better in fatty bits that you can grab an inch of!! Also pressing down on the site with a tissue for 2 mins afterwards reduces the bruising, but dont rub or pat it as you'll get a huge bruise!!! If you want any advice give me a shout xxxx

Thanks hun :) nice to have someone to share such a pleasant experience with LOL

I had to do it for 3 months after my last pregnancy so we are pretty well versed in delta parin etiquette!! It DOES bloody hurt doesnt it, we rub an icecube on the sight beforehand which really helps (i am such a wuss lol) And i am due to have my first 'jab' right now

what i find worse is the fluid going in... makes me shudder and there is SO much of it!

Oh well! Better than me leg clotting i suppose!!

I am fortunate (ish) in that i have ALOT of flab on my bellah so i should be able to continue to do it in there for a good while! they told me to start at my belly button and pretend i was looking at the face of a clock and do one in each number of the clock so you move round that way - thought that was quite good advice really!

hugs xxx

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