Scan at six and a half weeks


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2012
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I'm sorry to post such a miserable sounding thread, and also really sorry if this makes anyone feel unncecessarily worried.

I've been having period type pains in my lower back and abdomen since I found out that I'm pregnant two weeks ago. I'm now six weeks and three days, and last night the pain started to get a lot worse. I was kind of like a really sharp stich in my lower abdomen at the left hand side, and then a bit later it moved to the right. It seemed to vary after that from side to side. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I went to the Early Pregnancy Unit this morning, and they took a blood test to check my HCG levels and see if they were high enough to do an ultrasound. The nurse called me back this afternoon and said that they were 8700, and so they can do a scan tomorrow. She said it was high, Is that a good thing? I'm so worried about that and the ultrasound that I've worked myself up into a silly state. Can they see much on the ultrasound this early on? I've had a Google around but so many sites seem to be saying different things.

Thanks for listening and sorry for going on.:roll:

High hCG is a very good sign hun,

Also them wanting you back for a scan is a good sign,

Had your hCG levels been on average "too low for 6 weeks 3d" then they would probably class you as threatened miscarriage

This all sound positive to me!

Best of luck

Thank you so much! It was really reassuring to read your comment. I'll post back tomorrow when I've been for the scan. This is my first baby, and I'd no idea it would be this much stress already! Hopefully it'll all be worth it.

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I had a scan at 6weeks 6 days and we saw a tiny little blob with a heartbeat! my HCG was 22000 which is very high, but one HCG figure means nothing in the early stages, its how quickly it doubles over a day or 2 that matters.

good luck. x
Wow! I didn't realise it could be that clear so early on. They're going to take some more blood tomorrow too, so I take it that it will be to check for the an increase.

My first scan was 6w 3d following spotting and cramps. We seen baby, heartbeat and yolk sac! Good luck xxxx

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Hiya! My profile picture was one from a scan at 5 weeks and 5 days - I know you can't see much from the photo but there was a pulsating heartbeat on the screen!
They should definately be able to see something by 6+3 and like the others say, it sounds like your levels are good.
I had very sharp pains too which was why I had an early scan and all was fine so try not to stress out too much hun. Let us know how you get on tomorrow xxx
i had a scan at 6 weeks and there was bean with heartbeating, fx for you tomorrow x
Sorry you are having a sucky time at the moment. I have read lots of stories of ladies with cramps, twinges and pains that all turn out normal. There's loads going on inside your womby area now and but weird, painful and odd symptoms are really scary. Your hcg sounds nice and high (though I'm no expert). Keep us posted on your scan. Hoping you will have a fabulous photo of your little one to share with us tomorrow. Good luck, and we are all here for support. X x
Thank you all so much for the supportive comments. I'm really glad I joined here :) I hope that one day soon I'll feel certain that everything is going to be just fine, and I can pass on some reassurance to some other poor lady.

I'd no idea that you could get a picture for an emergency scan! I'm glad to hear the positive experiences from people.

Tonight I'm just going to drink (decaf) tea, watch trashy telly and try not to stress about tomorrow.

Ahh hope everything is okay hun im sure you will be fine and we all worry way too much! XX
Here's an update from yesterday...

I went back to the hospital today for my scan. They think that the pregnancy is only around 5 weeks old, as they couldn't find a stem or heartbeat. The 5 week thing would make sense, as I have PCOS, and the ovulation tests I did went positive 3 weeks after my last period. They didn't take anymore blood, which I'd thought they were going to to do, check that my hCG levels had risen. I was told to come back for another scan in two weeks, and told that things are looking quite positive. I'm still absolutely terrified that the baby will have just stopped growing, as I'm still having lots of period type pains. Still no bleeding though luckily.

thats good news. I am surprised they havent done your HCG levels again though. Maybe ask your doctor to do it for you?

dont worry about period type pains, i got that really bad for a while too. its just everything stretching and bedding in.
thats brilliant news dont lose faith xxx
Thanks for your support. We'd suspected that I wasn't as far on as my GP thought, just because of my weird cycles and wot-not. I think I'll give the early pregnancy unit a call tomorrow and ask if I can have another hCG blood test. It might help put my mind at rest a little, and let me have some sanity over the next couple of weeks!


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